用 我 所 能,精 彩 气 象。
f = addfile('model.ctl')
ps = f['PS'][0,'10:60','60:140']
#Interpolate to a point
x = 123
y = 44.5
z = None
t = 0
d = f.tostation('PS', x, y, z, t)
d1 = ps.tostation(x, y)
d2 = interp2d(ps, x, y)
d3 = interp2d(ps, x, y, kind='neareast')
print d
print d1
print d2
print d3
figure(figsize=[600,600], newfig=False,bgcolor=[255,255,255])
geoshow('cn_province.shp',labelfield='NAME', fontname=u'黑体', fontsize=12, yoffset=15,avoidcoll=False)
scatterm(x, y, d, size=10, color='g')
text(x + 0.3, y+1, 'DimDataFile.tostation:%.4f' % d, color='r', fontsize=12)
text(x + 0.3, y-1, 'DimArray.tostation:%.4f' % d, color='r', fontsize=12)
text(x + 0.3, y-2, 'interp2d.linear:%.4f' % d, color='r', fontsize=12)
text(x + 0.3, y-3, 'interp2d.neareast:%.4f' % d, color='r', fontsize=12)
xlim(110, 132)
ylim(32, 54)
title('Grid to point interpolation')