LandScan 是具有最佳分辨率的全球人口分布数据,它代表周围人口(平均超过 24 小时)。Landscan 使用空间数据和影像分析以及多变量 dasymetric 建模方法来分解行政边界内的人口普查计数。LandScan 将白天的活动和集体旅行习惯整合到一个单一的测量中,以更好地表示人们在平均一天中所处的位置。随着今年的改进,高分辨率图像源被广泛用于验证以完善城市地区、土地覆盖数据以及数千个较小的村庄和人口稠密的地方。
为什么 Landscan 很重要?为什么不使用人口普查数据?
关注公众号 '一个有趣的灵魂W',回复关键词 'LS2019'。获取下载地址。
AU - Rose, Amy N.
AU - McKee, Jacob J.
AU - Sims, Kelly M.
AU - Bright, Edward A.
AU - Reith, Andrew E.
AU - Urban, Marie L.
PY - 2020
TI - LandScan 2019
CY - Oak Ridge, TN
PB - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
SE - July 1, 2020
T3 - LandScan
ET - 2019
RI - global
C1 - CY 2019
C3 - digital raster data
AB - Using an innovative approach with Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing, ORNL's LandScan� is the community standard for global population distribution. At approximately 1 km resolution (30" X 30"), LandScan is the finest resolution global population distribution data available and represents an ambient population (average over 24 hours). The LandScan algorithm, an R&D 100 Award Winner, uses spatial data and imagery analysis technologies and a multi-variable dasymetric modeling approach to disaggregate census counts within an administrative boundary. Since no single population distribution model can account for the differences in spatial data availability, quality, scale, and accuracy as well as the differences in cultural settlement practices, LandScan population distribution models are tailored to match the data conditions and geographical nature of each individual country and region.
RN - When using the LandScan data in publications, please insert this statement as appropriate: "This product was made utilizing the LandScan 2019� High Resolution Global Population Data Set copyrighted by UT-Battelle, LLC, operator of Oak Ridge National Laboratory under Contract No. DE-AC05-00OR22725 with the United States Department of Energy. The United States Government has certain rights in this Data Set. Neither UT-BATTELLE, LLC NOR THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, NOR ANY OF THEIR EMPLOYEES, MAKES ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, OR ASSUMES ANY LEGAL LIABILITY OR RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ACCURACY, COMPLETENESS, OR USEFULNESS OF THE DATA SET."
UR - https://landscan.ornl.gov/