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CSDM|What is a common service data model ?

发布2022-04-18 19:38:36
发布2022-04-18 19:38:36

The Common Service Data Model (CSDM) is a standardized set of terms and their definitions that can be used with all ServiceNow products.

通用服务数据模型 (CSDM) 是一组标准化的术语及其定义,可用于所有 ServiceNow 产品。

About the CSDM

The CSDM provides service reporting and guidelines for service modeling in the ServiceNow Configuration Management Database (CMDB). The model includes guidelines for using the base system tables. It aligns configuration items (CIs) and services with your business strategy.

CSDM 为 ServiceNow 配置管理数据库 (CMDB) 中的服务建模提供服务报告和指南。该模型包括使用基本系统表的准则。它使配置项 (CI) 和服务与您的业务战略保持一致。

The CSDM explained—Aligning IT to business strategy

CSDM 解释 — 使 IT 与业务战略保持一致

A reactive approach to digital products and delivery can dominate without an IT focus on standardization, integration, and application of a common approach. CSDM helps you connect terminology to help make decisions for strategy, planning, developing, troubleshooting, root cause analysis, and executing changes.

如果不将 IT 部门重点放在通用方法的标准化、集成和应用上,那么对数字产品和交付的反应性方法可能会占据主导地位。CSDM 可帮助您连接术语,以帮助做出有关战略、规划、开发、故障排除、根本原因分析和执行更改的决策

CSDM is all about doing CMDB right


CSDM is considered the best practice for CMDB modeling and management—it provides direction on modeling and comes with a standardized set of definitions. It is a connection between business and technical perspectives with mapping and relationships. It provides visibility into application and service data from varying domains, consolidating everything into a single view. This gives your organization the opportunity to align your IT and company strategies. CMDB with a high-quality CSDM also provides multiple benefits like faster incident resolutions, better security, and better judgment of the impact of change.

CSDM 被认为是 CMDB 建模和管理的最佳实践 — 它提供了建模方向,并附带了一套标准化的定义。它是业务和技术视角与映射和关系之间的连接。它提供了对来自不同域的应用程序和服务数据的可见性,将所有内容整合到单个视图中。这使您的组织有机会调整您的 IT 和公司战略。具有高质量CSDM的CMDB还提供了多种好处,例如更快的事件解决,更好的安全性以及对变更影响的更好判断。

Benefits of the CSDM CSDM的好处

The common services data model can act as a blueprint to map your IT services on the ServiceNow platform—it is a CMDB-based framework that outlines where to place data for the other products that are in use. CDSM is also a standard for ServiceNow products that use CMDB. If you follow the CDSM framework, you’ll ensure that the data in the application maps to the correct CMDB table which minimizes duplicate, incorrect, and out-of-date data.

通用服务数据模型可以充当在 ServiceNow 平台上映射 IT 服务的蓝图 — 它是一个基于 CMDB 的框架概述了将正在使用的其他产品的数据放置在何处。CDSM也是使用CMDB的ServiceNow产品的标准。如果遵循 CDSM 框架,则将确保应用程序中的数据映射到正确的 CMDB 表,从而最大程度地减少重复、不正确和过时的数据。

Why should you follow the CSDM? 你为什么要遵循CSDM?

Products from ServiceNow that use the CMDB deliver better benefits faster when using the CSDM. Adopting it will ensure that:

使用 CMDB 的 ServiceNow 产品在使用 CSDM 时可以更快地提供更好的收益。采用该条将确保:

  1. You will be able to take better advantage of ServiceNow products
  2. 您将能够更好地利用ServiceNow产品
  3. Upgrading will be an easier, more straightforward process
  4. 升级将是一个更简单,更直接的过程
  5. ServiceNow products will work better in conjunction with common definitions across the product portfolio
  6. ServiceNow 产品将与整个产品组合中的通用定义结合使用时更好地协同工作
  7. Use of CDSM will also provide transparent reporting and service costing, in addition to reduced overhead from services maintenance.
  8. CDSM的使用还将提供透明的报告和服务成本核算,此外还可以减少服务维护的开销。

What the CSDM isn't CSDM不是什么

CSDM is a powerful framework for CMDB data modeling and management, providing essential guidance and visibility. But it does have it’s limitations. Getting the most out of CSDM means recognizing what it can, and can’t do for your business. Here are several things that CSDM is not:

CSDM是CMDB数据建模和管理的强大框架,提供必要的指导和可见性。但它确实有它的局限性。充分利用 CSDM 意味着认识到它能为您的业务做些什么,不能做什么。以下是CSDM所没有的几件事

A SKU or product to be purchased

要购买的 SKU 或产品

One-size-fits-all guide to define application or business services


An automated fix for models in prior implementations


Code to be installed


Implementation guide for EM, ITSM, APM, and SPM


A set of reports


ServiceNow provides all CDSM objectives and the CMDB tables as a part of the out-of-the-box CMDB product, regardless of licensing.

ServiceNow 提供所有 CDSM 目标和 CMDB 表作为开箱即用 CMDB 产品的一部分,无论许可如何。

CSDM and reports. CSDM 和报告

You can use the CMDB builder to generate reports that show CMDB items and their relationships. Most of CSDM follows CMDB, which includes:

您可以使用 CMDB 生成器生成显示 CMDB 项及其关系的报告。大多数CSDM都遵循CMDB,其中包括:

  1. Business capability 业务能力
  2. Information object. 信息对象
  3. Service 服务
  4. Business application 业务应用
  5. Application service 应用服务
  6. Service offering 提供服务

Challenges of CSDM CSDM的挑战

While CSDM provides certain clear advantages, some organizations find themselves poorly prepared to get the most out of the common services data model. When this happens, the issue can usually be traced back to one or more of the following problems:

虽然 CSDM 提供了某些明显的优势,但一些组织发现自己在充分利用通用服务数据模型方面准备不足。发生这种情况时,问题通常可以追溯到以下一个或多个问题:

  1. Poor architectural alignment with CMDB.
  2. 与 CMDB 的体系结构对齐性较差。
  3. Lack of IT ILSM principles.
  4. 缺乏 IT ILSM 原则。
  5. No services that are formally defined.
  6. 没有正式定义的服务。
  7. Segmented data ownership and limited stakeholder collaboration can lead to silos.
  8. 细分的数据所有权和有限的利益相关者协作可能导致孤岛。
  9. Prior customization of the CMDB data, like classifying CIs and how to relate them to organization products, services, and capabilities, that cannot be maintained.
  10. 事先自定义 CMDB 数据,例如对 CI 进行分类以及如何将其与无法维护的组织产品、服务和功能相关联。

How to get started with CSDM

如何开始使用 CSDM

It isn’t advisable to implement each CSDM element all at once. Instead, approach CSDM in stages, and don’t feel like you have to hit every stage for every application or service. ServiceNow defines these stages as Foundation, Crawl, Walk, Run, and Fly. Each stage is explained below:

不建议一次实现每个 CSDM 元素。相反,分阶段处理 CSDM,不要觉得你必须为每个应用程序或服务达到每个阶段。ServiceNow 将这些阶段定义为“基础”、“爬网”、“行走”、“运行”和“飞行”。每个阶段解释如下:

  1. Foundation: Ensure you have the foundational information that is needed to generate accurate reports.
  2. 基础:确保您拥有生成准确报告所需的基础信息。
  3. Crawl: Shift your focus to application tables to construct the minimum information needed for incident, change, and problem management.
  4. 爬网:将重点转移到应用程序表上,以构建事件、更改和问题管理所需的最少信息。
  5. Walk: Address management and support of deployed infrastructure.
  6. 行走:已部署基础结构的地址管理和支持。
  7. Run: Incorporate business services in order to understand the impact that the technology will have on your business.
  8. 运行:合并业务服务,以了解该技术对业务的影响。
  9. Fly: Construct the remaining aspects of CSDM in order to tie the technology and business services to business capabilities.
  10. 飞行:构建CSDM的其余部分,以便将技术和业务服务与业务能力联系起来。

How do I migrate CSDM-related data to the recommended tables?

如何将 CSDM 相关数据迁移到推荐的表中?

  1. There are important steps for migrating data:
  2. 迁移数据有以下重要步骤:
  3. Back up data: Export all data into a spreadsheet
  4. 备份数据:将所有数据导出到电子表格中
  5. Attribute mapping: Identify which tables data will migrate to. Figure out if your destination table has the attributes that are available.
  6. 属性映射:确定数据将迁移到哪些表。确定目标表是否具有可用的属性。
  7. Mitigate dependencies: Execute the table dependency script, and use the output to identify referenced dependencies.
  8. 缓解依赖关系:执行表依赖项脚本,并使用输出来标识引用的依赖项。
  9. Re-factor attributes: Utilize attribute mapping to maintain necessary customer attributes on the proper tables. Perform documented re-factor events
  10. 重构属性:利用属性映射在正确的表上维护必要的客户属性。执行记录在案的重构事件
  11. Migrate: Move existing CIs, mitigate any table dependencies, and re-load data from the export.
  12. 迁移:移动现有 CI,缓解任何表依赖关系,并从导出中重新加载数据。

Why should I use the CSDM?

我为什么要使用 CSDM?

ServiceNow brings enormous value for enterprise customers that want to run IT as a business. CSDM, combined with the Now Platform, creates a standard blueprint for automated and integrated IT services. With streamlined supporting activities and value streams fully integrated on the Now Platform, you can realize full-value chain alignment, improved quality, transparency, better insights, automation, and lower costs. Ultimately, the combination of CSDM and ServiceNow serves as the foundation for digital transformation.

ServiceNow 为希望将 IT 作为企业运营的企业客户带来了巨大的价值。CSDM与Now平台相结合,为自动化和集成的IT服务创建了标准蓝图通过简化的支持活动和价值流完全集成到Now平台上,您可以实现全价值链的一致性,提高质量,透明度,更好的洞察力自动化和更低的成本。最终,CSDM和ServiceNow的结合将成为数字化转型的基础


Foundation domain 基础域

Design domain 设计域

Manage Technical Services domain 管理技术服务域

Sell/Consume domain 销售与消费域

Manage Portfolio domain 管理投资组合域

Each domain in the CSDM conceptual model is associated with one or more products, services, or service types, which you can extend as needed.

CSDM 概念模型中的每个域都与一个或多个产品、服务或服务类型相关联,您可以根据需要扩展这些产品、服务或服务类型。

Services and service types

A service enables you to achieve the outcomes that you want with minimal risks and without incurring costs. This definition is consistent with the base definition of “service” in ITIL v3 and IT4IT. Services typically have three components: the interaction, the offering, and the service system.

服务使您能够以最小的风险实现所需的结果,而不会产生成本。此定义与 ITIL v3 和 IT4IT 中“服务”的基本定义一致。服务通常有三个组件:交互、产品和服务系统。

  1. https://www.servicenow.com/products/it-operations-management/what-is-csdm.html
  2. https://docs.servicenow.com/bundle/quebec-servicenow-platform/page/product/csdm-implementation/concept/csdm-conceptual-model.html
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  • Foundation domain 基础域
  • Design domain 设计域
  • Manage Technical Services domain 管理技术服务域
  • Sell/Consume domain 销售与消费域
  • Manage Portfolio domain 管理投资组合域
    • Services and service types
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