社区首页 >专栏 >Spring Boot 2.0.0参考手册_中英文对照_Part I

Spring Boot 2.0.0参考手册_中英文对照_Part I

发布2022-05-09 08:25:33
发布2022-05-09 08:25:33

文章作者:Tyan 博客:noahsnail.com

Part I. Spring Boot Documentation

This section provides a brief overview of Spring Boot reference documentation. Think of it as map for the rest of the document. You can read this reference guide in a linear fashion, or you can skip sections if something doesn’t interest you.

这部分是Spring Boot参考文档的概述。可以将它作为文档其它部分的地图。你可以依次阅读参考手册,或者直接跳过你不感兴趣的章节。

1. About the documentation

The Spring Boot reference guide is available as html, pdf and epub documents. The latest copy is available at docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference.

Sring参考文档可以通过htmlpdfepub 三种形式得到。最新的文档可以从docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference上得到。

Copies of this document may be made for your own use and for distribution to others, provided that you do not charge any fee for such copies and further provided that each copy contains this Copyright Notice, whether distributed in print or electronically.


2. Getting help

Having trouble with Spring Boot, We’d like to help!

  • Try the How-to’s — they provide solutions to the most common questions.
  • Learn the Spring basics — Spring Boot builds on many other Spring projects, check the spring.io web-site for a wealth of reference documentation. If you are just starting out with Spring, try one of the guides.
  • Ask a question - we monitor stackoverflow.com for questions tagged with spring-boot.
  • Report bugs with Spring Boot at github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/issues.

如果在使用Spring Boot中有不会的地方,我们很乐意帮忙!

  • 尝试How-to’s(文档第九部分),里面有最常见问题的解决方案。
  • 学习Spring基础知识——Spring Boot建立在许多其它的Spring工程之上,查看spring.io网站,上面有大量的参考文档。如果你刚开始使用Spring,尝试看这些指南中的一个。
  • 问问题——我们监控着stackoverflow.com中标签为spring-boot的问题。
  • 报告Spring Boot中的bugs请到github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/issues

All of Spring Boot is open source, including the documentation! If you find problems with the docs; or if you just want to improve them, please get involved.

Spring Boot是开源的,包括文档!如果你在文档中发现了问题;或你想改进它们,请参与进去。

3. First steps

If you’re just getting started with Spring Boot, or ‘Spring’ in general, this is the place to start!

  • From scratch: Overview | Requirements | Installation
  • Tutorial: Part 1 | Part 2
  • Running your example: Part 1 | Part 2

如果你准备开始学习Spring Boot或通常来说的Spring,从这里开始!

  • 从零开始: 概述 | 要求 | 安装
  • 学习指南: 第一部分 | 第二部分
  • 运行例子: 第一部分 | 第二部分

4. Working with Spring Boot

Ready to actually start using Spring Boot? We’ve got you covered.

  • Build systems: Maven | Gradle | Ant | Starters
  • Best practices: Code Structure | @Configuration | @EnableAutoConfiguration | Beans and Dependency Injection
  • Running your code: IDE | Packaged | Maven | Gradle
  • Packaging your app: Production jars
  • Spring Boot CLI: Using the CLI

准备好开始使用Spring Boot了?不用担心。

  • 构建系统:Maven | Gradle | Ant | Starters
  • 最佳实践:Code Structure | @Configuration | @EnableAutoConfiguration | Beans and Dependency Injection
  • 运行代码:IDE | Packaged | Maven | Gradle
  • 打包应用:Production jars
  • Spring Boot命令行:Using the CLI

5. Learning about Spring Boot features

Need more details about Spring Boot’s core features? This is for you!

  • Core Features: SpringApplication | External Configuration | Profiles | Logging
  • Web Applications: MVC | Embedded Containers
  • Working with data: SQL | NO-SQL
  • Messaging: Overview | JMS
  • Testing: Overview | Boot Applications | Utils
  • Extending: Auto-configuration | @Conditions

需要更多关于Spring Boot核心特性的细节?看下面。

  • 核心特性:SpringApplication | External Configuration | Profiles | Logging
  • Web应用:MVC | Embedded Containers
  • 消息:Overview | JMS
  • 测试:Overview | Boot Applications | Utils
  • 扩展:Auto-configuration | @Conditions

6. Moving to production

When you’re ready to push your Spring Boot application to production, we’ve got some tricks that you might like!

  • Management endpoints: Overview | Customization
  • Connection options: HTTP | JMX | SSH
  • Monitoring: Metrics | Auditing | Tracing | Process

当你准备将你的Spring Boot应用变成产品时,给你推荐一些你可能喜欢的小技巧。

  • 管理端点:Overview | Customization
  • 链接选择:HTTP | JMX | SSH
  • 监控:Metrics | Auditing | Tracing | Process

7. Advanced topics

Lastly, we have a few topics for the more advanced user.

  • Deploy Spring Boot Applications: Cloud Deployment | OS Service
  • Build tool plugins: Maven | Gradle
  • Appendix: Application Properties | Auto-configuration classes | Executable Jars


  • 部署Spring Boot应用:Cloud Deployment | OS Service
  • 构建工具插件:Maven | Gradle
  • 附录:Application Properties | Auto-configuration classes | Executable Jars
本文参与 腾讯云自媒体同步曝光计划,分享自作者个人站点/博客。
原始发表:2016-10-08,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

本文分享自 作者个人站点/博客 前往查看

如有侵权,请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除。

本文参与 腾讯云自媒体同步曝光计划  ,欢迎热爱写作的你一起参与!

0 条评论
  • 1. About the documentation
  • 2. Getting help
  • 3. First steps
  • 4. Working with Spring Boot
  • 5. Learning about Spring Boot features
  • 6. Moving to production
  • 7. Advanced topics
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