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python 弹出框 压缩文件 解压文件

发布2022-05-13 10:34:41
发布2022-05-13 10:34:41

from tkinter import * # widgets and presets from tkinter.filedialog import askopenfilename # file selector dialog

def makeFormRow(parent, label, width=15, browse=True, extend=False): var = StringVar() row = Frame(parent) lab = Label(row, text=label + '?', relief=RIDGE, width=width) ent = Entry(row, relief=SUNKEN, textvariable=var) row.pack(fill=X) # uses packed row frames lab.pack(side=LEFT) # and fixed-width labels ent.pack(side=LEFT, expand=YES, fill=X) # or use grid(row, col) if browse: btn = Button(row, text='browse...') btn.pack(side=RIGHT) if not extend: btn.config(command= lambda: var.set(askopenfilename() or var.get()) ) else: btn.config(command= lambda: var.set(var.get() + ' ' + askopenfilename()) ) return var

pack text files into a single file with separator lines (simple archive)

import sys, glob marker = ':' * 20 + 'textpak=>' # hopefully unique separator

def pack(ofile, ifiles): output = open(ofile, 'w') for name in ifiles: print('packing:', name) input = open(name, 'r').read() # open the next input file if input[-1] != '\n': input += '\n' # make sure it has endline output.write(marker + name + '\n') # write a separator line output.write(input) # and write the file's contents

mlen = len(marker) # filenames after markers

def unpack(ifile, prefix='new-'): for line in open(ifile): # for all input lines if line[:mlen] != marker: output.write(line) # write real lines else: name = prefix + line[mlen:-1] # or make new output print('creating:', name) output = open(name, 'w')

popup a GUI dialog for packer script arguments, and run it

from glob import glob # filename expansion from tkinter import * # GUI widget stuff

def packDialog(): # a new top-level window win = Toplevel() # with 2 row frames + ok button win.title('Enter Pack Parameters') var1 = makeFormRow(win, label='Output file') var2 = makeFormRow(win, label='Files to pack', extend=True) Button(win, text='OK', command=win.destroy).pack() win.grab_set() win.focus_set() # go modal: mouse grab, keyboard focus, wait win.wait_window() # wait till destroy; else returns now return var1.get(), var2.get() # fetch linked var values

def runPackDialog(): output, patterns = packDialog() # pop-up GUI dialog if output != "" and patterns != "": # till ok or wm-destroy patterns = patterns.split() # do non-GUI part now filenames = [] for sublist in map(glob, patterns): # do expansion manually filenames += sublist # Unix shells do this auto print('Packer:', output, filenames) pack(ofile=output, ifiles=filenames) # should show msgs in GUI too

if name == 'main': root = Tk() Button(root, text='popup', command=runPackDialog).pack(fill=X) Button(root, text='bye', command=root.quit).pack(fill=X) root.mainloop()



popup a GUI dialog for unpacker script arguments, and run it

from tkinter import * # widget classes

def unpackDialog(): win = Toplevel() win.title('Enter Unpack Parameters') var = makeFormRow(win, label='Input file', width=11) win.bind('<Key-Return>', lambda event: win.destroy()) win.grab_set() win.focus_set() # make myself modal win.wait_window() # till I'm destroyed on return return var.get() # or closed by wm action

def runUnpackDialog(): input = unpackDialog() # get input from GUI if input != '': # do non-GUI file stuff print('Unpacker:', input) # run with input from dialog unpack(ifile=input, prefix='')

if name == "main": Button(None, text='popup', command=runUnpackDialog).pack() mainloop()

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原始发表:2022-05-13,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

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如有侵权,请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除。

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0 条评论
  • pack text files into a single file with separator lines (simple archive)
  • popup a GUI dialog for packer script arguments, and run it
  • popup a GUI dialog for unpacker script arguments, and run it
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