社区首页 >专栏 >全球高时间高空间分辨率数据免费申请指南


发布2022-09-20 19:28:00
发布2022-09-20 19:28:00


Planet公司是世界上在轨卫星最多的公司,共有近200颗在轨卫星,使全球对地观测进入“每日”时代,有着其他公司无法比拟每天覆盖全球一次的超高频时间分辨率。PlanetScope小卫星星座现有在轨卫星共170余颗,是全球最大的卫星星座,可实现每天监测全球一次。PlanetScope遥感影像PlanetScope( PS)数据是由Planet公司发射的PlanetScope(PS)小卫星星座的卫星数据产品,PS现有在轨卫星共132颗,是全球最大的卫星星座,可实现每天监测全球1次。在Planet官网(https://www.planet.com)注册申请可免费下载L1B的Analytic级别产品数据。相较于当下众多高空间分辨率卫星数据,PS卫星数据有高频次重访的独特优势。PS卫星产品有4个多光谱波段,波段范围为455-860nm,空间分辨率达3 m。Planet数据3B影像处理级别为:经过传感器、辐射定标和正射校正的正射级产品,文件说明如下:

表 PlanetScope 产品相关参数描述







PS 影像信噪比高,在整个卫星传感器上具有统一的高像素质量和可用性,Planet数据的处理流程如下图所示。

图 Planet数据处理流程

目前Planet经营着世界上 最大的地球观察星座。Planet每天能够收集大约5千万平方公里的图像,每个地图都由超过200万个卫星图像自动处理和拼接而成,像素分辨率可以达到三到五米的精度。


Get Access Make Discoveries

We’re looking for university researchers, academics, and scientists to unlock the power of a one-of-a-kind dataset. Depending upon your affiliation and country of origin, there are three ways to apply for access:

University-affiliated Student, Faculty Member or Researcher:

Any university-affiliated student, faculty member or researcher may apply to the Education and Research Program for limited, non-commercial access to Planetscope Imagery and Rapid Eye Archive. A university email address is required, and nonprofit and government employees are not eligible.

Germany-based Researchers:

Any German researcher, including nonprofit researchers and those at government institutions, may apply for access to Planetscope, RapidEye and SkySat imagery through RESA.

Any other Researcher:

Any researcher, including nonprofit researchers and those at government institutions or non-commercial early adopters, may apply for access to Planetscope, RapidEye and SkySat imagery through the European Space Agency Category 1 Portal.

Educate for the insights economy

Our Institutional Program provides access to Planet data across the entire university ecosystem: from undergraduates to postdocs, lecturers to research specialists.

  • Collaborate across departments to uncover geospatial applications in new sectors
  • Develop curricula around real-time changes and world events
  • Easily administer account access and data provisioning

"For the first time, scientists will have access to dense image time series from high-spatial-resolution satellite data."

JIM KELLNER, Brown University

"Planet data could be a great tool to introduce Object Oriented Classification, or even a great lecture about the scale and data sources. Truly the options are endless!"---RYAN FRAZIER, Arizona State University

Meet The Planet Ambassadors

In diplomacy, when a new Ambassador is sworn in, she is deemed to be “extraordinary and plenipotentiary”. The later means the Ambassador has “full powers”.

From time to time, we encounter individuals with an exceptional education or research background, a truly novel project, and shared passion to use space to help life on Earth. By invitation, we welcome such individuals to serve as Planet Ambassadors.

Frequently Asked Questions

01.Am I eligible for a Basic Account in the Education and Research Program?

At present, Planet is accepting applications from students, researchers, technical staff and faculty at accredited universities. Nonprofit and government employees are not eligible.

02.What usage rights are granted with a Basic Account?

Users that are approved will have access to view and download up to 5,000 square kilometers of imagery per month for non-commercial research purposes. Downloaded images can be published for illustrative purposes with attribution, such as in figures in peer-reviewed manuscripts, blogs and similar content. Planet data may not be sold or used in the development of value-added products or tools that might be sold.

03.I need more than 5,000 square kilometers per month. How should I proceed?

Our team has developed site licenses, which support larger university applications, and are competitively priced for the university community. Please let us know what your needs are via this form.

04.What if I have a commercial use in mind?

That’s awesome! This just isn’t the right license for that. Our sales team would love to hear from you via this form.

I represent a university. Can my whole institution apply for access?

Our team has developed the Institutional Account, which supports the whole university ecosystem. Please let us know what your needs are via this form.

05.Can I teach a course with a Basic Account?

Absolutely yes! At present, each user needs to apply for and secure their own account. In the future we plan to offer additional resources to educators. If you have a compelling classroom and curriculum that needs more centralized access, please get in touch.

06.How do I cite Planet data in my work?

From a concept in our garage, to operating the largest fleet of Earth-imaging satellites, many people have invested time and energy in developing and enabling access to Planet’s unique data feed. Please cite Planet when using our imagery and tools. To cite Planet data in publications, please use the following:

Planet Team (2017). Planet Application Program Interface: In Space for Life on Earth. San Francisco, CA. https://api.planet.com.

07.How do I become a Planet Ambassador?

Planet Ambassadors are now selected by invitation only. To become one, show us what youve got by registering for a Basic Account!

08.What is the RESA?

Through a partnership with the German Space Agency, German-based researchers are eligible to access even more data: up to 20 Million square kilometers of RapidEye data products.



Kääb, A., Altena, B., & Mascaro, J. (2019). River-ice and water velocities using the Planet optical cubesat constellation. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 23(10), 4233–4247. doi:10.5194/hess-23-4233-2019

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本文参与 腾讯云自媒体同步曝光计划,分享自微信公众号。
原始发表:2020-09-06,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

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