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发布2022-11-09 17:26:17
发布2022-11-09 17:26:17


Forrest's FVWM
Forrest's FVWM

我的.fvwm2rc可以下载。 我的部分FVWM笔记:

*** 如何使用托盘 sudo apt-get install trayer trayer –widthtype pixel –width 128 –height 32 –edge bottom & *** .fvwm2rc **** Function DestroyFunc FuncName AddToFunc FuncName + I (Action to happen immediately) + C (Action to happen on a mouse ‘click) + D (Action to happen on a mouse ‘double click’) + H (Action to happen on a mouse ‘hold’) + M (Action to happen on a mouse ‘motion’) **** Geometry 57×500-5-5 宽度x高度 左上角坐标 **** 键(鼠标)绑定(binding) 键:Key X Context Modifier Action 鼠:Mouse X Context Modifier Action Context: where the mouse is currently located (as shown below) +———————————–+ | +—+ +—+ | | R R | I | | I | | | +—+ +—+ | | | | F S S F | | +———————+ | | |13579 T T T 08642| | | +———————+ | | | | | | R | W W | R| | | | | | S| |S | | | | | | | W W | | | | | | | +———————+ | | F S S F | | R | +———————————–+ R – the root window I – Icon F – frame corners S – frame sides T – title bar W – application window and 0-9 – buttons Note: A will stand for anywhere (it doesn’t matter where the mouse is located) Modifier: 下列取值的组合:(A)ny, (C)ontrol, (S)hift, (M)eta, (N)othing, or 1-5, representing the X Modifiers mod1-mod5 (man xmodmap) e.g.: # Key X Context Modifier Action Key Tab A M WindowList Root c c NoDeskSort, SelectOnRelease Meta_L Key Super_L A A Exec exec xterm -fn -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal–18-120-100-100-c-90-iso10646-1 # for the root window: Mouse 1 R A Menu RootMenu Nop Mouse 2 R A Menu Window-Ops Nop Mouse 3 R A WindowList # for the title bar buttons: Mouse 0 1 A Menu Window-Ops2 Close Mouse 0 2 A Close Mouse 0 3 A Maximize-Func Mouse 0 4 A Iconify # for other parts of the window/borders/icons: Mouse 1 F A Resize-or-Raise Mouse 1 TS A Move-or-Raise Mouse 1 W M Move-or-Raise Mouse 1 I A Move-or-Iconify Mouse 2 I A Iconify Mouse 2 FST A Menu Window-Ops2 Nop Mouse 3 TSIF A RaiseLower **** Window Decor TitleStyle TitleStyle LeftJustified Height 18 ButtonStyle Vectors are just simple line drawings. Each vector is set up on a 100×100 grid and can have any number of points all connected by lines. The syntax is ‘Vector [number of points] [[point1] [point2] …]’. points: ‘XxY@Z’ Z: 0 – Shadow(sh) 1 – Hilight(hi) 2 – Background(bg) 3 – Foreground(fg) 4 – Invisible. e.g. ButtonStyle 1 5 25×25@1 25×75@1 75×75@0 75×25@0 25×25@1 **** Module 所有的Fvwm的模块,只有在函数中启动了它们,它们才能够工作 在.fvwm2rc文件中,如果您需要用到FvwmButtons,或者其它的模块,必需要先启动它。具体如下: DestroyFunc StartFunction AddToFunc StartFunction + I Module FvwmButtons + I Module FvwmPager + I Module FvwmAuto 500 Raise Nop + I Module FvwmAnimate + I Module FvwmTaskBar + I Module FvwmWharf + I Exec exec xpmroot /root/pic/macblack.png I 表示:立即执行 上面的配置中,分别在启动函数中,启动了FvwmButtons,FvwmPager,FvwmAnimate,FvwmTaskBar 和FvwmWharf等 你有什么程序需要在fvwm启动的时候执行,你可以在其中加入一行:比如我想在fvwm启动的时候启动 gkrellm + I Exec exec gkrellm 就ok了:) **** FvwmTaskBar 如果把它设成没有边框(!Borders)的话,屏幕右边总是空着一块,甚是不爽, 于是我想了个办法,就是把边框设成4,并让颜色跟FvwmTaskBar的颜色一致: Colorset 11 fg rgb:00/60/60, hi rgb:00/60/60, sh rgb:00/60/60, bg rgb:00/60/60 Style “FvwmTaskBar” NoTitle, BorderWidth 4, HandleWidth 4, Sticky,/ StaysOnTop, WindowListSkip, CirculateSkip, BorderColorset 11, HilightBorderColorset 11 *FvwmTaskBar: Back rgb:00/60/60 这样TaskBar就能充满屏幕的左右两边了。 **** FvwmPager 将窗口移动到别的工作区,可以在pager里面用中键拖动窗口,拖到别的desktop里面就好了。 **** FvwmButtons 做一个抽屉的方法: *MyButtons: (1×1+0+6, Frame 0, Panel(left, indicator, delay 0, steps 1) QuickLaunchButtons “Module FvwmButtons QuickLaunchButtons”) DestroyModuleConfig QuickLaunchButtons: * *QuickLaunchButtons: Geometry 128×64 *QuickLaunchButtons: … *QuickLaunchButtons: … 包含其它组件的方法: *MyButtons: (1×4+0+11, Swallow(UseOld) asmon `Exec exec asmon`) *PagerPanel: (Swallow FvwmPager “Module FvwmPager 0 3”) **** docks 用 apt-cache search wm dock 可以查到很多 dock app,很酷。 :) favorites xclock asclock wmweather -m asmon cputnik from http://www.dockapps.org/ wmmoonclock wmnd 一些有用的链接: FVWM Beginners Guide Wangyin’s FVWM简明使用指南 dockapps.org

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