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vb.net python哪个好_VS VB

发布2022-11-10 13:35:25
发布2022-11-10 13:35:25

大家好,又见面了,我是你们的朋友全栈君。 Public Class Form1 Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load get_CPU_info() get_net_info() get_op_info() get_net2_info() get_disk_info() get_disk_2_info() get_disp_info() get_bois_info() get_base_info() get_PhysicalMemoryy_info() End Sub Private Sub get_CPU_info() Dim info(40) As String Dim name(40) As String name(0) = “DeviceID” name(1) = “ProcessorID” name(2) = “Manufacturer” name(3) = “Name” name(4) = “Description” name(5) = “UniqueId” name(6) = “SocketDesignation” name(7) = “AddressWidth” name(8) = “DataWidth” name(9) = “Family” name(10) = “Level” name(11) = “Stepping” name(12) = “MaxClockSpeed” name(13) = “CurrentClockSpeed” name(14) = “InstallDate” name(15) = “PNPDeviceID” name(16) = “L2CacheSize” name(17) = “L2CacheSpeed” name(18) = “L3CacheSize” name(19) = “L3CacheSpeed” name(20) = “Architecture ” name(21) = “Availability” name(22) = “CurrentVoltage” name(23) = “ProcessorType” name(24) = “StatusInfo” name(25) = “UpgradeMethod” name(26) = “VoltageCaps” name(27) = “VoltageCaps” Dim i As Integer Dim cpu As New System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher(“SELECT * FROM Win32_Processor”) For Each obj1 As System.Management.ManagementObject In cpu.Get Try info(0) = obj1(“DeviceID”) Catch ex As Exception info(0) = “” End Try Try info(1) = obj1(“ProcessorID”).ToString.Trim Catch ex As Exception info(1) = “” End Try Try info(2) = obj1(“Manufacturer”).ToString.Trim Catch ex As Exception info(2) = “” End Try Try info(3) = obj1(“Name”).ToString.Trim Catch ex As Exception info(3) = “” End Try Try info(4) = obj1(“Description”).ToString.Trim Catch ex As Exception info(4) = “” End Try Try info(5) = obj1(“UniqueId”) Catch ex As Exception info(5) = “” End Try Try info(6) = obj1(“SocketDesignation”) Catch ex As Exception info(6) = “” End Try Try info(7) = obj1(“AddressWidth”) Catch ex As Exception info(7) = “” End Try Try info(8) = obj1(“DataWidth”) Catch ex As Exception info(8) = “” End Try Try info(9) = obj1(“Family”) Catch ex As Exception info(9) = “” End Try Try info(10) = obj1(“Level”) Catch ex As Exception info(10) = “” End Try Try info(11) = obj1(“Stepping”) Catch ex As Exception info(11) = “” End Try Try info(12) = obj1(“MaxClockSpeed”) Catch ex As Exception info(12) = “” End Try Try info(13) = obj1(“CurrentClockSpeed”) Catch ex As Exception info(13) = “” End Try Try info(14) = obj1(“InstallDate”) Catch ex As Exception info(14) = “” End Try Try info(15) = obj1(“PNPDeviceID”) Catch ex As Exception info(15) = “” End Try Try info(16) = obj1(“L2CacheSize”) Catch ex As Exception info(16) = “” End Try Try info(17) = obj1(“L2CacheSpeed”) Catch ex As Exception info(17) = “” End Try Try info(18) = obj1(“L3CacheSize”) Catch ex As Exception info(18) = “” End Try Try info(19) += obj1(“L3CacheSpeed”) Catch ex As Exception info(19) = “” End Try Try Select Case obj1(“Architecture”).ToString Case “0” info(20) = “x86” Case “1” info(20) = “MIPS” Case “2” info(20) = “Alpha” Case “3” info(20) = “PowerPC” Case “6” info(20) = “Intel Itanium Processor Family (IPF)” Case “9” info(20) = “x64” Case Else info(20) = obj1(“Architecture”).ToString End Select Catch ex As Exception info(20) = “” End Try Try info(21) = obj1(“Availability”) Catch ex As Exception info(21) = “” End Try Try info(22) = obj1(“CurrentVoltage”) Catch ex As Exception info(22) = “” End Try Try Select Case obj1(“ProcessorType”) Case “1” info(23) = “Other” Case “2” info(23) = “Unknown” Case “3” info(23) = “Central Processor” Case “4” info(23) = “Math Processor” Case “5” info(23) = “DSP Processor” Case “6” info(23) = “Video Processor” Case Else info(23) = obj1(“ProcessorType”) End Select Catch ex As Exception info(23) = “” End Try Try Select Case obj1(“StatusInfo”) Case “1” info(24) = “Other” Case “2” info(24) = “Unknown” Case “3” info(24) = “Enabled” Case “4” info(24) = “Disabled” Case “5” info(24) = “Not Applicable” Case Else info(24) = obj1(“StatusInfo”) End Select Catch ex As Exception info(24) = “” End Try Try Select Case obj1(“UpgradeMethod”).ToString Case “1” info(25) = “Other” Case “2” info(25) = “Unknown” Case “3” info(25) = “Daughter Board” Case “4” info(25) = “ZIF Socket” Case “5” info(25) = “Replacement/Piggy Back” Case “6” info(25) = “None” Case “7” info(25) = “LIF Socket” Case “8” info(25) = “Slot 1” Case “9” info(25) = “Slot 2” Case “10” info(25) = “370 Pin Socket” Case “11” info(25) = “Slot A” Case “12” info(25) = “Slot M” Case “13” info(25) = “Socket 423” Case “14” info(25) = “Socket A (Socket 462)” Case “15” info(25) = “Socket 478” Case “16” info(25) = “Socket 754” Case “17” info(25) = “Socket 940” Case “18” info(25) = “Socket 939” Case Else info(25) = obj1(“UpgradeMethod”).ToString End Select Catch ex As Exception info(25) = “” End Try Dim tmp As UInt32 Try tmp = obj1(“VoltageCaps”) Catch ex As Exception tmp = 0 End Try Select Case tmp Case 0 info(26) = “Unknown” Case 1 info(26) = “5 volts” Case 2 info(26) = “3.3 volts” Case 3 info(26) = “2.9 volts” Case Else info(26) = Hex$(tmp) End Select For i = 0 To 28 Dim newitem1 As New ListViewItem(name(i)) newitem1.SubItems.Add(info(i)) List_cpu.Items.Add(newitem1) Next Next End Sub Private Sub get_net_info() Dim info(30) As String Dim name(30) As String name(0) = “DeviceID” name(1) = “MACAddress” name(2) = “Manufacturer” name(3) = “AdapterTypeID” name(4) = “AdapterType” name(5) = “Description” name(6) = “Name” name(7) = “ProductName” name(8) = “Caption” name(9) = “ServiceName” name(10) = “SystemCreationClassName” name(11) = “SystemName” name(12) = “TimeOfLastReset” name(13) = “ConfigManagerUserConfig” name(14) = “NetConnectionStatus” Dim i As Integer Dim net As New System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher(“select * from Win32_NetworkAdapter”) For Each wmiobj As System.Management.ManagementObject In net.Get For i = 0 To 14 Try info(i) = wmiobj(name(i)) Catch ex As Exception info(i) = “” End Try Next For i = 0 To 15 Dim newitem1 As New ListViewItem(name(i)) newitem1.SubItems.Add(info(i)) List_net.Items.Add(newitem1) Next Next End Sub

Private Sub get_op_info() Dim info(30) As String Dim name(30) As String name(0) = “CSName” name(1) = “Caption” name(2) = “Version” name(3) = “BuildNumber” name(4) = “BuildType” name(5) = “OSType” name(6) = “OSProductsuite” name(7) = “OtherTypeDescription” Dim i As Integer Dim newitem As New ListViewItem(“操作系统”) List_op.Items.Add(newitem) Dim opt As New System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher(“Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem”) For Each obj2 As System.Management.ManagementObject In opt.Get For i = 0 To 7 Try info(i) = obj2(name(i)) Catch ex As Exception info(i) = “” End Try Next For i = 0 To 8 Dim newitem1 As New ListViewItem(name(i)) newitem1.SubItems.Add(info(i)) List_op.Items.Add(newitem1) Next Next

End Sub Private Sub get_net2_info() Dim i As Integer Dim info(50) As String Dim name(50) As String name(0) = “Index” name(1) = “IPEnabled” name(2) = “Caption” name(3) = “MACAddress” name(4) = “IPAddress” name(5) = “DefaultIPGateway” name(6) = “IPSubnet” name(7) = “DNSServerSearchOrder” name(8) = “IPConnectionMetric” name(9) = “IPSecPermitIPProtocols” name(10) = “IPSecPermitTCPPorts” name(11) = “IPSecPermitUDPPorts” name(12) = “IPUseZeroBroadcast” name(13) = “IPFilterSecurityEnabled” name(14) = “IPPortSecurityEnabled” name(15) = “DefaultTOS” name(16) = “DefaultTTL” name(17) = “IPXMediaType” name(18) = “IPXAddress” name(19) = “IPXFrameType” name(20) = “IPXNetworkNumber” name(21) = “IPXVirtualNetNumber” name(22) = “ForwardBufferMemory” name(23) = “ServiceName” name(24) = “DHCPEnabled” name(25) = “DHCPLeaseExpires” name(26) = “DHCPLeaseObtained” name(27) = “DHCPServer” name(28) = “DNSDomain” name(29) = “DNSHostName” name(30) = “DNSEnabledForWINSResolution” name(31) = “DNSServerSearchOrder” name(32) = “IGMPLevel” name(33) = “TcpipNetbiosOptions” name(34) = “TcpMaxConnectRetransmissions” name(35) = “TcpMaxDataRetransmissions” name(36) = “TcpNumConnections” name(37) = “TcpUseRFC1122UrgentPointer” name(38) = “TcpWindowSize” name(39) = “WINSEnableLMHostsLookup” name(40) = “WINSHostLookupFile” name(41) = “WINSPrimaryServer” name(42) = “WINSScopeID” name(43) = “WINSSecondaryServer” Dim opt As New System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher(“Select * from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration”) For Each obj2 As System.Management.ManagementObject In opt.Get info(0) = obj2(“Index”) If CBool(obj2(“IPEnabled”)) Then Try info(1) = “True” Catch ex As Exception info(1) = “” End Try Try info(2) = obj2(“Caption”) Catch ex As Exception info(2) = “” End Try Try info(3) = obj2(“MACAddress”) Catch ex As Exception info(3) = “” End Try Try info(4) = obj2(“IPAddress”)(0) Catch ex As Exception info(4) = “” End Try Try info(5) = obj2(“DefaultIPGateway”)(0) Catch ex As Exception info(5) = “” End Try

info(6) = obj2(“IPSubnet”)(0) Try info(7) = obj2(“DNSServerSearchOrder”)(0) info(7) = info(7) + ” 备用:” + obj2(“DNSServerSearchOrder”)(1) Catch ex As Exception info(7) = info(7) + ” 备用:” End Try Try info(8) = obj2(“IPConnectionMetric”) Catch ex As Exception info(8) = “” End Try Try info(9) = obj2(“IPSecPermitIPProtocols”)(0) Catch ex As Exception info(9) = “” End Try Try info(10) = obj2(“IPSecPermitTCPPorts”)(0) Catch ex As Exception info(10) = “” End Try Try info(11) = obj2(“IPSecPermitUDPPorts”)(0) Catch ex As Exception info(11) = “” End Try Try info(12) = obj2(“IPUseZeroBroadcast”) Catch ex As Exception info(12) = “” End Try Try info(13) = obj2(“IPFilterSecurityEnabled”) Catch ex As Exception info(13) = “” End Try Try info(14) = obj2(“IPPortSecurityEnabled”) Catch ex As Exception info(14) = “” End Try Try info(15) = obj2(“DefaultTOS”) Catch ex As Exception info(15) = “” End Try Try info(16) = obj2(“DefaultTTL”) Catch ex As Exception info(16) = “” End Try Try info(17) = obj2(“IPXMediaType”) Catch ex As Exception info(17) = “” End Try Try info(18) = obj2(“IPXAddress”) Catch ex As Exception info(18) = “” End Try Try info(19) = obj2(“IPXFrameType”)(0) Catch ex As Exception info(19) = “” End Try Try info(20) = obj2(“IPXNetworkNumber”)(0) Catch ex As Exception info(20) = “” End Try Try info(21) = obj2(“IPXVirtualNetNumber”) Catch ex As Exception info(21) = “” End Try Try info(22) = obj2(“ForwardBufferMemory”) Catch ex As Exception info(22) = “” End Try Try info(23) = obj2(“ServiceName”) Catch ex As Exception info(23) = “” End Try Try info(24) = obj2(“DHCPEnabled”) Catch ex As Exception info(24) = “” End Try Try info(25) = obj2(“DHCPLeaseExpires”).ToString Catch ex As Exception info(25) = “” End Try Try info(26) = obj2(” DHCPLeaseObtained”).ToString Catch ex As Exception info(26) = “” End Try Try info(27) = obj2(” DHCPServer”).ToString Catch ex As Exception info(27) = “” End Try Try info(28) = obj2(” DNSDomain”).ToString Catch ex As Exception info(28) = “” End Try Try info(29) = obj2(” DNSHostName”).ToString Catch ex As Exception info(29) = “” End Try Try info(30) = obj2(” DNSEnabledForWINSResolution”).ToString Catch ex As Exception info(30) = “” End Try Try info(31) = obj2(” DNSServerSearchOrder”)(0) Catch ex As Exception info(31) = “” End Try Try info(32) = obj2(” IGMPLevel”)(0) Catch ex As Exception info(32) = “” End Try Try info(33) = obj2(” TcpipNetbiosOptions”)(0) Catch ex As Exception info(33) = “” End Try Try info(34) = obj2(” TcpMaxConnectRetransmissions”)(0) Catch ex As Exception info(34) = “” End Try Try info(35) = obj2(” TcpMaxDataRetransmissions”)(0) Catch ex As Exception info(35) = “” End Try Try info(36) = obj2(” TcpNumConnections”)(0) Catch ex As Exception info(36) = “” End Try Try info(37) = obj2(” TcpUseRFC1122UrgentPointer”)(0) Catch ex As Exception info(37) = “” End Try Try info(38) = obj2(” TcpWindowSize”)(0) Catch ex As Exception info(38) = “” End Try Try info(39) = obj2(” WINSEnableLMHostsLookup”)(0) Catch ex As Exception info(39) = “” End Try Try info(40) = obj2(” WINSHostLookupFile”)(0) Catch ex As Exception info(40) = “” End Try Try info(41) = obj2(” WINSPrimaryServer”)(0) Catch ex As Exception info(41) = “” End Try Try info(42) = obj2(” WINSScopeID”)(0) Catch ex As Exception info(42) = “” End Try Try info(43) = obj2(” WINSSecondaryServer”)(0) Catch ex As Exception info(43) = “” End Try For i = 0 To 44 Dim newitem1 As New ListViewItem(name(i)) newitem1.SubItems.Add(info(i)) List_net2.Items.Add(newitem1) Next End If Next End Sub Private Sub get_disk_info() Dim i As Integer Dim info(50) As String Dim name(50) As String name(0) = “Index” name(1) = “Caption” name(2) = “Description” name(3) = “DeviceID” name(4) = “Name” name(5) = “MediaType” name(6) = “Model” name(7) = “Manufacturer” name(8) = “InterfaceType” name(9) = “CreationClassName” name(10) = “CompressionMethod” name(11) = “Partitions” name(12) = “NumberOfMediaSupported” name(13) = “Size” name(14) = “MaxMediaSize” name(15) = “TotalHeads” name(16) = “TotalCylinders” name(17) = “TracksPerCylinder” name(18) = “TotalTracks” name(19) = “SectorsPerTrack” name(20) = “TotalSectors” name(21) = “BytesPerSector” name(22) = “MinBlockSize” name(23) = “MaxBlockSize” name(24) = “Availability” name(25) = “Capabilities” name(26) = “CapabilityDescriptions” name(27) = “DefaultBlockSize” name(28) = “FirmwareRevision” name(29) = “SCSIBus” name(30) = “SCSILogicalUnit” name(31) = “SCSIPort” name(32) = “SCSITargetId” name(33) = “SerialNumber” name(34) = “Signature” name(35) = “Status” name(36) = “StatusInfo” name(37) = “SystemCreationClassName” name(38) = “SystemName”

Dim opt As New System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher(“Select * from Win32_DiskDrive”) For Each obj2 As System.Management.ManagementObject In opt.Get Try info(0) = obj2(“Index”) Catch ex As Exception info(0) = “” End Try Try info(1) = obj2(“Caption”) Catch ex As Exception info(1) = “” End Try Try info(2) = obj2(“Description”) Catch ex As Exception info(2) = “” End Try Try info(3) = obj2(“DeviceID”) Catch ex As Exception info(3) = “” End Try Try info(4) = obj2(“Name”) Catch ex As Exception info(4) = “” End Try Try info(5) = obj2(“MediaType”) Catch ex As Exception info(5) = “” End Try Try info(6) = obj2(“Model”) Catch ex As Exception info(6) = “” End Try Try info(7) = obj2(“Manufacturer”) Catch ex As Exception info(7) = “” End Try Try info(8) = obj2(“InterfaceType”) Catch ex As Exception info(8) = “” End Try Try info(9) = obj2(“CreationClassName”) Catch ex As Exception info(9) = “” End Try Try info(10) = obj2(“CompressionMethod”) Catch ex As Exception info(10) = “” End Try Try info(11) = obj2(“Partitions”) Catch ex As Exception info(11) = “” End Try Try info(12) = obj2(“NumberOfMediaSupported”) Catch ex As Exception info(12) = “” End Try Try info(13) = obj2(“Size”) Catch ex As Exception info(13) = “” End Try Try info(14) = obj2(“MaxMediaSize”) Catch ex As Exception info(14) = “” End Try Try info(15) = obj2(“TotalHeads”) Catch ex As Exception info(15) = “” End Try Try info(16) = obj2(“TotalCylinders”) Catch ex As Exception info(16) = “” End Try Try info(17) = obj2(“TracksPerCylinder”) Catch ex As Exception info(17) = “” End Try Try info(18) = obj2(“TotalTracks”) Catch ex As Exception info(18) = “” End Try Try info(19) = obj2(“SectorsPerTrack”) Catch ex As Exception info(19) = “” End Try Try info(20) = obj2(“TotalSectors”) Catch ex As Exception info(20) = “” End Try Try info(21) = obj2(“BytesPerSector”) Catch ex As Exception info(21) = “” End Try Try info(22) = obj2(“MinBlockSize”) Catch ex As Exception info(22) = “” End Try Try info(23) = obj2(“MaxBlockSize”) Catch ex As Exception info(23) = “” End Try Try info(24) = obj2(“Availability”) Catch ex As Exception info(24) = “” End Try Try info(25) = obj2(“Capabilities”)(0) Catch ex As Exception info(25) = “” End Try Try info(26) = obj2(“CapabilityDescriptions”)(0) Catch ex As Exception info(26) = “” End Try Try info(27) = obj2(“DefaultBlockSize”) Catch ex As Exception info(27) = “” End Try Try info(28) = obj2(“FirmwareRevision”) Catch ex As Exception info(28) = “” End Try Try info(29) = obj2(“SCSIBus”) Catch ex As Exception info(29) = “” End Try Try info(30) = obj2(“SCSILogicalUnit”) Catch ex As Exception info(30) = “” End Try Try info(31) = obj2(“SCSIPort”) Catch ex As Exception info(31) = “” End Try Try info(32) = obj2(“SCSITargetId”) Catch ex As Exception info(32) = “” End Try Try info(33) = obj2(“SerialNumber”) Catch ex As Exception info(33) = “” End Try Try info(34) = obj2(“Signature”) Catch ex As Exception info(34) = “” End Try Try info(35) = obj2(“Status”) Catch ex As Exception info(35) = “” End Try Try info(36) = obj2(“StatusInfo”) Catch ex As Exception info(36) = “” End Try Try info(37) = obj2(“SystemCreationClassName”) Catch ex As Exception info(37) = “” End Try Try info(38) = obj2(“SystemName”) Catch ex As Exception info(38) = “” End Try For i = 0 To 39 Dim newitem1 As New ListViewItem(name(i)) newitem1.SubItems.Add(info(i)) List_disk.Items.Add(newitem1) Next Next End Sub

Private Sub get_disk_2_info() Dim i As Integer Dim info(50) As String Dim name(50) As String name(0) = “Id” name(1) = “Caption” name(2) = “Description” name(3) = “DeviceID” name(4) = “Name” name(5) = “Drive” name(6) = “MediaType” name(7) = “PNPDeviceID” name(8) = “MaxMediaSize” name(9) = “MaxBlockSize” name(10) = “Manufacturer” name(11) = “FileSystemFlags” name(12) = “DefaultBlockSize” name(13) = “FileSystemFlagsEx” name(14) = “Availability” name(15) = “CreationClassName” name(16) = “MaximumComponentLength” name(17) = “MfrAssignedRevisionLevel” name(18) = “MinBlockSize” name(19) = “NumberOfMediaSupported” name(20) = “RevisionLevel” name(21) = “VolumeSerialNumber” name(22) = “VolumeName” name(23) = “TransferRate” name(24) = “SystemName” name(25) = “SystemCreationClassName” name(26) = “Size” name(27) = “StatusInfo” name(28) = “Status” name(29) = “SerialNumber” name(30) = “SCSITargetId” name(31) = “SCSIPort” name(32) = “SCSIBus” name(33) = “SCSILogicalUnit” Dim j As Integer Dim opt As New System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher(“Select * from Win32_CDROMDrive”) For Each obj2 As System.Management.ManagementObject In opt.Get For j = 0 To 33 Try info(j) = obj2(name(j)) Catch ex As Exception info(j) = “” End Try Next For i = 0 To 34 Dim newitem1 As New ListViewItem(name(i)) newitem1.SubItems.Add(info(i)) List_disk.Items.Add(newitem1) Next Next End Sub

Private Sub get_disp_info() Dim i As Integer Dim info(50) As String Dim name(50) As String Dim j As Integer name(0) = “Name” name(1) = “Caption” name(2) = “ColorPlanes” name(3) = “Description” name(4) = “RefreshRate” name(5) = “SettingID” name(6) = “VideoMode” name(7) = “VerticalResolution” name(8) = “SystemPaletteEntries” name(9) = “ReservedSystemPaletteEntries” name(10) = “BitsPerPixel” name(11) = “DeviceEntriesInAColorTable” name(12) = “DeviceSpecificPens” name(13) = “HorizontalResolution” Dim opt As New System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher(“Select * from Win32_DisplayControllerConfiguration”) For Each obj2 As System.Management.ManagementObject In opt.Get For j = 0 To 13 Try info(j) = obj2(name(j)) Catch ex As Exception info(j) = “” End Try Next For i = 0 To 14 Dim newitem1 As New ListViewItem(name(i)) newitem1.SubItems.Add(info(i)) List_disp.Items.Add(newitem1) Next Next End Sub Private Sub get_bois_info() Dim i As Integer Dim info(50) As String Dim name(50) As String Dim j As Integer name(0) = “Name” name(1) = “Caption” name(2) = “SerialNumber” name(3) = “Manufacturer” name(4) = “Description” name(5) = “PrimaryBIOS” name(6) = “Version” name(7) = “Status” name(8) = “BuildNumber” name(9) = “CodeSet” name(10) = “CurrentLanguage” name(11) = “IdentificationCode” name(12) = “InstallableLanguages” name(13) = “InstallDate” name(14) = “LanguageEdition” name(15) = “OtherTargetOS” name(16) = “ReleaseDate” name(17) = “SMBIOSBIOSVersion” name(18) = “SMBIOSMajorVersion” name(19) = “SMBIOSMinorVersion” name(20) = “SMBIOSPresent” name(21) = “SoftwareElementID” name(22) = “SoftwareElementState” name(23) = “TargetOperatingSystem” name(24) = “ListOfLanguages” name(25) = “BIOSVersion” name(26) = “BiosCharacteristics” Dim k As Integer Dim opt As New System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher(“Select * from Win32_BIOS”) For Each obj2 As System.Management.ManagementObject In opt.Get For j = 0 To 23 Try info(j) = obj2(name(j)) Catch ex As Exception info(j) = “” End Try Next Try info(24) = “” For k = 0 To obj2(name(24)).length – 1 info(24) += obj2(name(24))(k) Next Catch ex As Exception info(24) = “” End Try Try info(25) = “” For k = 0 To obj2(name(25)).length – 1 info(25) += obj2(name(25))(k) Next Catch ex As Exception info(25) = “” End Try Try info(26) = “” For k = 0 To obj2(name(26)).length – 1 info(26) += obj2(name(26))(k) Next Catch ex As Exception info(26) = “” End Try

For i = 0 To 27 Dim newitem1 As New ListViewItem(name(i)) newitem1.SubItems.Add(info(i)) List_bois.Items.Add(newitem1)


Next End Sub

Private Sub get_base_info() Dim i As Integer Dim info(50) As String Dim name(50) As String Dim j As Integer name(0) = “Name” name(1) = “Caption” name(2) = “SerialNumber” name(3) = “Manufacturer” name(4) = “Description” name(5) = “Model” name(6) = “HostingBoard” name(7) = “HotSwappable” name(8) = “InstallDate” name(9) = “Version” name(10) = “Weight” name(11) = “Width” name(12) = “Depth” name(13) = “Height” name(14) = “Tag” name(15) = “Status” name(16) = “SKU” name(17) = “SlotLayout” name(18) = “SpecialRequirements” name(19) = “RequiresDaughterBoard” name(20) = “RequirementsDescription” name(21) = “Replaceable” name(22) = “Removable” name(23) = “Product” name(24) = “PoweredOn” name(25) = “PartNumber” name(26) = “OtherIdentifyingInfo” Dim opt As New System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher(“Select * from Win32_BaseBoard”) For Each obj2 As System.Management.ManagementObject In opt.Get For j = 0 To 26 Try info(j) = obj2(name(j)) Catch ex As Exception info(j) = “” End Try Next For i = 0 To 27 Dim newitem1 As New ListViewItem(name(i)) newitem1.SubItems.Add(info(i)) List_main.Items.Add(newitem1) Next Next get_mother_info() get_on_bord_info() End Sub

Private Sub get_mother_info() Dim i As Integer Dim info(50) As String Dim name(50) As String Dim j As Integer name(0) = “Name” name(1) = “Caption” name(2) = “PNPDeviceID” name(3) = “DeviceID” name(4) = “Description” name(5) = “Availability” name(6) = “ConfigManagerErrorCode” name(7) = “ConfigManagerUserConfig” name(8) = “CreationClassName” name(9) = “ErrorDescription” name(10) = “InstallDate” name(11) = “LastErrorCode” name(12) = “PowerManagementSupported” name(13) = “PrimaryBusType” name(14) = “RevisionNumber” name(15) = “SecondaryBusType” name(16) = “Status” name(17) = “StatusInfo” name(18) = “SystemCreationClassName” name(19) = “SystemName” Dim opt As New System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher(“Select * from Win32_MotherboardDevice”) For Each obj2 As System.Management.ManagementObject In opt.Get For j = 0 To 19 Try info(j) = obj2(name(j)) Catch ex As Exception info(j) = “” End Try Next For i = 0 To 20 Dim newitem1 As New ListViewItem(name(i)) newitem1.SubItems.Add(info(i)) List_main.Items.Add(newitem1) Next Next End Sub Private Sub get_on_bord_info() Dim i As Integer Dim info(50) As String Dim name(50) As String Dim j As Integer name(0) = “Name” name(1) = “Caption” name(2) = “PNPDeviceID” name(3) = “Description” name(4) = “Manufacturer” name(5) = “Model” name(6) = “SerialNumber” name(7) = “SKU” name(8) = “Status” name(9) = “Version” name(10) = “Tag” name(11) = “PartNumber” name(12) = “Replaceable” name(13) = “PoweredOn” name(14) = “DeviceType” name(15) = “CreationClassName” name(16) = “HotSwappable” name(17) = “Removable” name(18) = “InstallDate” name(19) = “OtherIdentifyingInfo” name(20) = “Enabled” Dim opt As New System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher(“Select * from Win32_OnBoardDevice”) For Each obj2 As System.Management.ManagementObject In opt.Get For j = 0 To 20 Try info(j) = obj2(name(j)) Catch ex As Exception info(j) = “” End Try Next For i = 0 To 21 Dim newitem1 As New ListViewItem(name(i)) newitem1.SubItems.Add(info(i)) List_main.Items.Add(newitem1) Next Next End Sub

Private Sub get_PhysicalMemoryy_info() Dim i As Integer Dim info(50) As String Dim name(50) As String Dim j As Integer name(0) = “Tag” name(1) = “Name” name(2) = “Caption” name(3) = “Description” name(4) = “MemoryType” name(5) = “Manufacturer” name(6) = “Model” name(7) = “DeviceLocator” name(8) = “Capacity” name(9) = “SerialNumber” name(10) = “Version” name(11) = “PartNumber” name(12) = “DataWidth” name(13) = “Speed” name(14) = “Status” name(15) = “TotalWidth” name(16) = “TypeDetail” name(17) = “SKU” name(18) = “Replaceable” name(19) = “Removable” name(20) = “BankLabel” name(21) = “CreationClassName” name(22) = “FormFactor” name(23) = “HotSwappable” name(24) = “InstallDate” name(25) = “InterleaveDataDepth” name(26) = “InterleavePosition” name(27) = “OtherIdentifyingInfo” name(28) = “PositionInRow” name(29) = “PoweredOn” Dim newitem As New ListViewItem(“物理内存”) List_op.Items.Add(newitem) Dim opt As New System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher(“Select * from Win32_PhysicalMemory”) For Each obj2 As System.Management.ManagementObject In opt.Get For j = 0 To 29 Try info(j) = obj2(name(j)) Catch ex As Exception info(j) = “” End Try Next For i = 0 To 30 Dim newitem1 As New ListViewItem(name(i)) newitem1.SubItems.Add(info(i)) List_op.Items.Add(newitem1) Next Next End Sub

End Class

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