社区首页 >专栏 >Endpoint异常变化


发布2023-03-06 11:21:11
发布2023-03-06 11:21:11


k8s 1.12.4 包含自定义功能


  1. 批量摘流,并等待7秒
  2. 批量删除容器
  3. watch到Endpoint ready 变化,汇总2s内的变化,摘流或者接流(通用的处理方式,幂等)




  1. endpoint 变化机制
  2. 为什么批量删除时没有出现问题
  3. 原地升级和删除有什么差异

众所周知,k8s针对不同的资源类型会有相应的controller与之对应,控制其及其关联资源的生命周期的变化,Endpoint也不例外,在kube-controller-manager中有endpoint controller,查看其逻辑,主要相关的部分如下所示

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func (e *EndpointController) syncService(key string) error { ... subsets := []v1.EndpointSubset{} var totalReadyEps int = 0 var totalNotReadyEps int = 0 for _, pod := range pods { if len(pod.Status.PodIP) == 0 { glog.V(5).Infof("Failed to find an IP for pod %s/%s", pod.Namespace, pod.Name) continue } if !tolerateUnreadyEndpoints && pod.DeletionTimestamp != nil { glog.V(5).Infof("Pod is being deleted %s/%s", pod.Namespace, pod.Name) continue } epa := *podToEndpointAddress(pod) hostname := pod.Spec.Hostname if len(hostname) > 0 && pod.Spec.Subdomain == service.Name && service.Namespace == pod.Namespace { epa.Hostname = hostname } // Allow headless service not to have ports. if len(service.Spec.Ports) == 0 { if service.Spec.ClusterIP == api.ClusterIPNone { subsets, totalReadyEps, totalNotReadyEps = addEndpointSubset(subsets, pod, epa, nil, tolerateUnreadyEndpoints) // No need to repack subsets for headless service without ports. } } else { for i := range service.Spec.Ports { servicePort := &service.Spec.Ports[i] portName := servicePort.Name portProto := servicePort.Protocol portNum, err := podutil.FindPort(pod, servicePort) if err != nil { glog.V(4).Infof("Failed to find port for service %s/%s: %v", service.Namespace, service.Name, err) continue } var readyEps, notReadyEps int epp := &v1.EndpointPort{Name: portName, Port: int32(portNum), Protocol: portProto} subsets, readyEps, notReadyEps = addEndpointSubset(subsets, pod, epa, epp, tolerateUnreadyEndpoints) totalReadyEps = totalReadyEps + readyEps totalNotReadyEps = totalNotReadyEps + notReadyEps } } } ... glog.V(4).Infof("Update endpoints for %v/%v, ready: %d not ready: %d", service.Namespace, service.Name, totalReadyEps, totalNotReadyEps) ... }

主要的处理函数为syncService,去掉了一些逻辑,主要的处理逻辑在32行,遍历Pod,查看其PodReady Condition是否为true,true的会会把其IP放入subnet的Addresses结构中,否则放入NotReadyAddresses中。Condition主要是kubelet设置的,在generateAPIPodStatus的时候会进行设置,如下

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// generateAPIPodStatus creates the final API pod status for a pod, given the // internal pod status. func (kl *Kubelet) generateAPIPodStatus(pod *v1.Pod, podStatus *kubecontainer.PodStatus) v1.PodStatus { glog.V(3).Infof("Generating status for %q", format.Pod(pod)) // check if an internal module has requested the pod is evicted. for _, podSyncHandler := range kl.PodSyncHandlers { if result := podSyncHandler.ShouldEvict(pod); result.Evict { return v1.PodStatus{ Phase: v1.PodFailed, Reason: result.Reason, Message: result.Message, } } } s := kl.convertStatusToAPIStatus(pod, podStatus) // Assume info is ready to process spec := &pod.Spec allStatus := append(append([]v1.ContainerStatus{}, s.ContainerStatuses...), s.InitContainerStatuses...) s.Phase = getPhase(spec, allStatus) // Check for illegal phase transition if pod.Status.Phase == v1.PodFailed || pod.Status.Phase == v1.PodSucceeded { // API server shows terminal phase; transitions are not allowed if s.Phase != pod.Status.Phase { glog.Errorf("Pod attempted illegal phase transition from %s to %s: %v", pod.Status.Phase, s.Phase, s) // Force back to phase from the API server s.Phase = pod.Status.Phase } } kl.probeManager.UpdatePodStatus(pod.UID, s) s.Conditions = append(s.Conditions, status.GeneratePodInitializedCondition(spec, s.InitContainerStatuses, s.Phase)) s.Conditions = append(s.Conditions, status.GeneratePodReadyCondition(spec, s.Conditions, s.ContainerStatuses, s.Phase)) s.Conditions = append(s.Conditions, status.GenerateContainersReadyCondition(spec, s.ContainerStatuses, s.Phase)) // Status manager will take care of the LastTransitionTimestamp, either preserve // the timestamp from apiserver, or set a new one. When kubelet sees the pod, // `PodScheduled` condition must be true. s.Conditions = append(s.Conditions, v1.PodCondition{ Type: v1.PodScheduled, Status: v1.ConditionTrue, }) if kl.kubeClient != nil { hostIP, err := kl.getHostIPAnyWay() if err != nil { glog.V(4).Infof("Cannot get host IP: %v", err) } else { s.HostIP = hostIP.String() if kubecontainer.IsHostNetworkPod(pod) && s.PodIP == "" { s.PodIP = hostIP.String() } } } return *s }

代码比较直观,根据实际的PodStatus(从docker中获取的信息)生成新的Status,用来更新Pod Status属性,其中会设置各种Condition,通过GeneratePodReadyCondition实现,里面具体又调用了GenerateContainersReadyCondition生成Pod内各container的ContainerReadyCondition,从而设置PodReadyCondition的值,如下

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// GeneratePodReadyCondition returns "Ready" condition of a pod. // The status of "Ready" condition is "True", if all containers in a pod are ready // AND all matching conditions specified in the ReadinessGates have status equal to "True". func GeneratePodReadyCondition(spec *v1.PodSpec, conditions []v1.PodCondition, containerStatuses []v1.ContainerStatus, podPhase v1.PodPhase) v1.PodCondition { containersReady := GenerateContainersReadyCondition(spec, containerStatuses, podPhase) // If the status of ContainersReady is not True, return the same status, reason and message as ContainersReady. if containersReady.Status != v1.ConditionTrue { return v1.PodCondition{ Type: v1.PodReady, Status: containersReady.Status, Reason: containersReady.Reason, Message: containersReady.Message, } } // Evaluate corresponding conditions specified in readiness gate // Generate message if any readiness gate is not satisfied. unreadyMessages := []string{} for _, rg := range spec.ReadinessGates { _, c := podutil.GetPodConditionFromList(conditions, rg.ConditionType) if c == nil { unreadyMessages = append(unreadyMessages, fmt.Sprintf("corresponding condition of pod readiness gate %q does not exist.", string(rg.ConditionType))) } else if c.Status != v1.ConditionTrue { unreadyMessages = append(unreadyMessages, fmt.Sprintf("the status of pod readiness gate %q is not \"True\", but %v", string(rg.ConditionType), c.Status)) } } // Set "Ready" condition to "False" if any readiness gate is not ready. if len(unreadyMessages) != 0 { unreadyMessage := strings.Join(unreadyMessages, ", ") return v1.PodCondition{ Type: v1.PodReady, Status: v1.ConditionFalse, Reason: ReadinessGatesNotReady, Message: unreadyMessage, } } return v1.PodCondition{ Type: v1.PodReady, Status: v1.ConditionTrue, } } // GenerateContainersReadyCondition returns the status of "ContainersReady" condition. // The status of "ContainersReady" condition is true when all containers are ready. func GenerateContainersReadyCondition(spec *v1.PodSpec, containerStatuses []v1.ContainerStatus, podPhase v1.PodPhase) v1.PodCondition { // Find if all containers are ready or not. if containerStatuses == nil { return v1.PodCondition{ Type: v1.ContainersReady, Status: v1.ConditionFalse, Reason: UnknownContainerStatuses, } } unknownContainers := []string{} unreadyContainers := []string{} for _, container := range spec.Containers { if containerStatus, ok := podutil.GetContainerStatus(containerStatuses, container.Name); ok { if !containerStatus.Ready { unreadyContainers = append(unreadyContainers, container.Name) } } else { unknownContainers = append(unknownContainers, container.Name) } } // If all containers are known and succeeded, just return PodCompleted. if podPhase == v1.PodSucceeded && len(unknownContainers) == 0 { return v1.PodCondition{ Type: v1.ContainersReady, Status: v1.ConditionFalse, Reason: PodCompleted, } } // Generate message for containers in unknown condition. unreadyMessages := []string{} if len(unknownContainers) > 0 { unreadyMessages = append(unreadyMessages, fmt.Sprintf("containers with unknown status: %s", unknownContainers)) } if len(unreadyContainers) > 0 { unreadyMessages = append(unreadyMessages, fmt.Sprintf("containers with unready status: %s", unreadyContainers)) } unreadyMessage := strings.Join(unreadyMessages, ", ") if unreadyMessage != "" { return v1.PodCondition{ Type: v1.ContainersReady, Status: v1.ConditionFalse, Reason: ContainersNotReady, Message: unreadyMessage, } } return v1.PodCondition{ Type: v1.ContainersReady, Status: v1.ConditionTrue, } }

逻辑比较简单,总结一下就是根据container实际的状态,设置pod的状态,只要有一个container not ready,则pod not ready,从而设置pod的各种condition。




原地升级是批量变更Pod的Image属性,kubelet watch到Pod变化,经过一起列处理,最终来到syncPod函数,但是第一次到来的时候,容器还是running的,最终设置的pod ready condition为true,然后经过computePodAction发现container的hash变了,需要重启container,最终触发killContainer,中间还涉及到优雅删除等问题,最终的效果就是进行了批量原地升级后,并不会立马上报pod not ready,而是经过了一段时间,又因为endpoint的update事件一次更新一个ip,2s内收到的update事件就可能不全,从而导致出现反复的摘流再接流再摘流,对业务造成影响。


通过mutatingwebhook实现一个通用的能力,针对endpoint的create和update事件,从配置中心(内部组件)中获取对应的配置,并通过规则引擎(开源版本可参考 https://github.com/antonmedv/expr ),对subnet中的Addresses和NotReadyAddresses做一些修改,这样可以实现无侵入式的修改,也比较灵活,可以对配置进行实时修改等,后续像sidecar这种根据用户需求来设置pod ready condition的情况,也无需修改代码,只需要添加配置即可,而且也可以通过condition看到真实的Container、Pod状态

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原始发表:2020-06-23,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

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0 条评论
  • 背景
  • 分析
    • Endpoint变化机制
      • 批量删除
        • 原地升级
        • 修改方案
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