• 同时和另外一名开发者neff也聊了,他表示会fork一份出来,和他一起维护:[Pennyw0rth/CrackMapExec: A swiss army knife for pentesting networks (github.com)]https://github.com/Pennyw0rth/CrackMapExec
0x08 Outro
• 原PO文:[(1) X 上的 mpgn:“New release of crackmapexec is out ! 6.1.0🥳 This version now support of a new protocol : WMI by @Memory_before ! If the SMB port is filtered, you can still pwn3d everything !! 🔥 Quick list of improvements 🔽 - CME now works against Windows 2003 and Windows 7 (it was broken)… https://t.co/0HMu538enM” / X (twitter.com)]https://twitter.com/mpgn_x64/status/1698384195641389559
• mpgn's twitter:[mpgn (@mpgn_x64) / X (twitter.com)]https://twitter.com/mpgn_x64
• neff's twitter: [Alex neff (@al3x_n3ff) / X (twitter.com)]https://twitter.com/al3x_n3ff
• 有大哥人写了一篇文章,有兴趣可以去看看:[X 上的 Kostas:“New blog: Understanding Red to Be Better at Blue: Navigating New CrackMapExec Updates ✅Keeping up with the red team ✅Breaking down CME’s new key features ✅From code to behavioural hunting & detections ✅Illustrations with examples https://t.co/ok1gZS7JXX” / X (twitter.com)]https://twitter.com/Kostastsale/status/1699082642988122622