我第一次关注到这个词是在文章 Root hair mutations displace the barley rhizosphere microbiota 中, 文章提到 “Of note, the ‘reduced-complexity’ communities inhabiting the rhizosphere of root hair mutants were clearly distinct from both the corresponding wild-type and bulk soil profiles, suggesting that these communities are the likely result of a perturbation of the host recruitment signals rather than an opportunistic colonization by the soil biota.”
Root hair mutations displace the barley rhizosphere microbiota
这一段描述了大麦根毛突变型的根际微生物群落与相应的野生型和土壤微生物群落都有明显不同的特点。这种差异可能是由于“宿主招募信号的扰动(perturbation of the host recruitment signals)”引起的,而不是由于土壤生物群落的“机会性殖民(opportunistic colonization)”。
我们首先看一下 opportunistic 的官方含义:充分的抓住机会;常与 infection 和 disease 搭配。
当在谷歌学术上检索 opportunistic 的时候,我发现更多的文章使用 opportunistic pathogens,比如文章 Colonizing opportunistic pathogens (COPs): The beasts in all of us 中对COPs的定义是 "Colonizing opportunistic pathogens (COPs) are microbes that asymptomatically colonize the human body and, when the conditions are right, can cause infections."
Colonizing opportunistic pathogens (COPs): The beasts in all of us
文中对 COPs 的概念又进行了补充 "The defining feature of all opportunistic pathogens is their capacity to cause disease when they are introduced into a susceptible body site or when hosts are immunologically compromised. "
回到我最开始提到的文章里,与 “opportunistic colonization”对应的是“a perturbation of the host recruitment signals”,结合微生物组知名的 cry for help 假说,我们可以知道: