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【Java】Java - GC 是如何工作的

发布2024-05-08 15:33:02
发布2024-05-08 15:33:02


Java — How GC works. One of the most notable features of… | by RR | Jul, 2023 | Medium


One of the most notable features of Java memory management is its automatic garbage collection. Its primary purpose is to automatically manage memory allocation and deallocation for runtime objects thereby making it easier for developers to write safer codes without any memory- related issues.

Java 内存管理最显著的功能之一是自动垃圾回收。


To understand more about GC let us talk about Java memory management.

重命名当前分支要进一步了解 GC,让我们来谈谈 Java 内存管理。

  1. Java Heap: It is used for dynamic memory allocation. It stores objects and other data structures created during program execution.
  2. Stack: It is used to store local variables and method call frames. Each thread in Java has its own stack which is created when the thread starts. All local variables inside that thread are stored in the stack. For objects created inside the stack, the actual object will be in the heap and the local variable inside stack will store a reference for it.
  3. Java 堆:用于动态内存分配。它存储程序执行过程中创建的对象和其他数据结构。
  4. 堆栈:用于存储局部变量和方法调用框架。
    1. Java 中的每个线程都有自己的栈,栈在线程启动时创建。该线程内的所有局部变量都存储在栈中。
    2. 对于在栈中创建的对象,实际对象将位于堆中,栈中的局部变量将存储其引用。

There are other areas like Metaspace, registers etc which are not very relevant here.

还有其他一些领域,如 Metaspace、寄存器等,与此处关系不大。

When an object is created using new or any other object instantiation methods, memory for that object is allocated inside the heap.

使用 new 或其他对象实例化方法创建对象时,会在堆中为该对象分配内存。

As the application progresses, some of these objects become unreachable when they are not referenced anymore.


If GC is not running, the entire heap is quickly filled up and the application crashes as memory is not available.

如果不运行 GC,整个堆很快就会被填满,应用程序会因内存不足而崩溃。

How GC identifies dead(unreachable) objects (GC 如何识别死亡(不可访问)对象)

There is a misconception that GC tracks all dead objects, which is not true.

有一种误解认为 GC 会跟踪所有死对象,其实不然。

An easier and right way is to track all the live objects ( which are needed for program execution) and clean up everything else.


Now how do we identify all the live objects?


GC roots

Consider all the objects created inside the program as a tree.


If we have access to all the roots of such trees, we can easily track all the live objects( which are reachable).


In Java , the following are considered as valid GC roots.

在 Java 中,以下内容被视为有效的 GC 根。

  1. Local variables: This is available via thread stack and considered live as long as the method is active
  2. Active Java threads.
  3. Static variable: They belong to classes and are shared across all instances. They remain GC roots as long as the class is loaded.
  4. JNI references: They are created as part of a JNI call. Objects thus created are managed specially as it is not possible to know whether it is referred by the native code or not.
  5. 本地变量:可通过线程堆栈使用,只要方法处于活动状态,就被视为活变量。
  6. 活动的 Java 线程
  7. 静态变量:它们属于类,在所有实例中共享。只要类被加载,它们就一直是 GC 根。
  8. JNI 引用:它们是作为 JNI 调用的一部分创建的。这样创建的对象需要特别管理,因为无法知道它是否被本地代码引用。

How cleanup happens?(如何进行清理?)

The GC is done in two steps

GC 分两步进行

Marking: JVM runs the GC thread intermittently which traverses all the object trees starting from the GC roots.

标记: JVM 间歇运行 GC 线程,该线程从 GC 根开始遍历所有对象树。

It marks all the objects reachable as live.


Sweep: All the remaining heap space are marked(swept) as free for new allocations.

清扫: 所有剩余的堆空间都被标记(清扫)为空闲空间,以便进行新的分配。

As you can see, to perform the marking phase, it is essential that we stop all the live application threads.


Else, the object trees cannot be marked safely.


And the pause time depends on how much memory is live(not dead!!).


The more live objects, the longer it takes for GC to traverse and analyse them.

实时对象越多,GC 遍历和分析这些对象所需的时间就越长。

And this brings us to the fundamental issue with GC — its impact on application performance.

这就引出了 GC 的根本问题 -- 它对 应用程序性能的影响。

Another issue associated with allocation/deallocation is memory fragmentation.


It occurs when free memory is fragmented into smaller , non-contiguous chunks making it impossible to allocate large objects even if memory is available.


This quickly becomes a bottleneck if memory is not compacted after each cleanup.


GC algorithms(垃圾回收算法)

Multiple GC algorithms and techniques are developed to reduce this performance issue and fragmentation. Let us discuss some of these.


Serial Collector(串行收集器)

It is the simplest collector which uses a single thread to perform mark-sweep algorithm. This is a stop-the-world-approach where all the application threads are paused while a single GC thread is running. This is suited for low concurrency applications with smaller memory footprints.


这是一种 Stop-world-方法,即在单个GC线程运行时,所有应用程序线程都会暂停。


Parallel Collector(并行收集器)

The only difference from a serial collector is that it uses multiple GC threads. It is more suitable when multiple CPUs are available.



Concurrent Collector(并发收集器)

The concurrent collector performs most of the activities concurrently while application threads are running. This helps with application throughput and reduces the stop-the-world event duration, thus making the application more responsive.



Generational GC(分代垃圾回收)

As mentioned earlier, the GC performance depends on how many live objects are available in the heap. So in order to improve GC performance, we need to make sure that live objects are as less as possible. This is the main reason behind dividing the heap into multiple generations. The division allows different GC algorithms to be applied selectively based on the characteristics of objects residing there.





Young and old generation

As you know, newly created objects are more likely to be short-lived, while objects that have been around for a while are more likely to remain live for long. Objects are usually created in young area. As most of the objects are short-lived, the GC runs quickly and cleans up most of them. If some objects survive a few GC cycles inside the young area, they are moved to the old area. As long as the old area is not growing big, we can avoid running GC in old area altogether.






In order to optimise this further , some JVMs divide young gen into multiple regions: Eden space and Survivor spaces(usually two). New objects are usually created in Eden space. During GC, surviving objects from Eden space and one of the Survivor space are copied into another survivor space, thus keeping Eden and one survivor space always free. This helps with fragmentation issues as we are always keeping Eden and one survivor space completely empty.

为了进一步优化这一过程,一些 JVM 将年轻代划分为多个区域:伊甸园空间和幸存者空间(通常有两个)。




  1. Collecting young gen is called minor GCs. Although they have a stop-the-world stage, it is very quick resulting in shorter pause times.
  2. The old gen contains long-lived objects and hence Major GCs are very less.
  3. Different GC algorithms can be applied to each gen based on size and application requirements.
  4. 收集年轻代被称为小型 GC。尽管它们有一个停顿阶段,但非常快速,导致较短的暂停时间。
  5. 老年代包含长寿命对象,因此主要 GC 很少发生。
  6. 根据大小和应用程序要求,可以对每个代应用不同的垃圾回收算法

It is very important that GC should be fine-tuned based on the application requirement. For example, if the young gen is too small, it will result in a lot of objects moving to the old generation. If the young gen is too large, minor GC cycles will take longer time to complete. This will negatively impact application response time.



如果年轻代太大,小型 GC 周期将花费更长的时间来完成。


One of the recent algorithms available from Java 9 is G1 GC. It provided more predictable pause time and better scalability for applications with large heaps.

从 Java 9 开始提供的一种最新算法是 G1 垃圾回收器。


本文参与 腾讯云自媒体同步曝光计划,分享自微信公众号。
原始发表:2024-05-05,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

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0 条评论
  • Source
    • How GC identifies dead(unreachable) objects (GC 如何识别死亡(不可访问)对象)
      • GC roots
        • How cleanup happens?(如何进行清理?)
          • GC algorithms(垃圾回收算法)
            • Generational GC(分代垃圾回收)
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