我在VisualStudio2019中创建了一个新的HTTPS启用选项ASP.NET Core项目。当我用IIS运行这个项目时,网页上写着'The Connection I‘。
当我第一次为项目启用SSL并以调试模式启动时,visual studio提示我信任自签名证书,然后单击“是”。但是,在浏览器中,站点没有打开,并且显示了“连接被重置”的错误。
这是Windows 10和Visual 2019的新安装。
IMPORTANT: This report might contain confidential information. Mask such before sharing with others.
System Time: 10/19/2020 8:01:52 AM
Processor Architecture: AMD64
OS: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.19041.0
Server Type: IIS Express
PCT 1.0:
PCT 1.0 is not secure. OS default is used. You might explicitly disable it via registry.
SSL 2.0:
SSL 2.0 is not secure. OS default is used. You might explicitly disable it via registry.
SSL 3.0:
SSL 3.0 is not secure. OS default is used. You might explicitly disable it via registry.
TLS 1.0:
TLS 1.0 is not secure. OS default is used. You might explicitly disable it via registry.
TLS 1.1:
TLS 1.1 is not secure. OS default is used. You might explicitly disable it via registry.
TLS 1.2:
SChannel EventLogging: 1 (hex)
To tune TLS related settings, please follow https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/187498 or try out IIS Crypto from https://www.nartac.com/Products/IISCrypto/.
Microsoft documentation on cipher suites can be found at https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/secauthn/cipher-suites-in-schannel.
ServerComment : WebSite1
ServerAutoStart: True
ServerState : Stopped
BINDING: http *:8080:localhost
ServerComment : DemoApp
ServerAutoStart: True
ServerState : Stopped
BINDING: http *:50682:localhost
BINDING: https *:44300:localhost
SSLCertHash: 33a6ad6b596b6d1d0a6dff64f69b9457383ff658
SSL Flags: None
Testing EndPoint:
#CertName: IIS Express Development Certificate
#Version: 3
#You have a private key that corresponds to this certificate.
#Signature Algorithm: sha256RSA
#Key Exchange Algorithm: RSA Key Size: 2048
This is not an ECC certificate, so *_ECDSA_* cipher suites cannot be used.
#Subject: CN=localhost
#Issuer: CN=localhost
#Validity: From 10/18/2020 8:39:54 AM To 10/18/2025 3:00:00 AM
#Serial Number: 167D0B2FB51D5BB54D222FDC298ACDE9
DS Mapper Usage: Disabled
Archived: False
#Key Usage: DataEncipherment, KeyEncipherment, DigitalSignature
#Enhanced Key Usage: Server Authentication (
#Subject Alternative Name: DNS Name=localhost
Certificate verified.
IMPORTANT: This report might contain confidential information. Mask such before sharing with others.
System Time: 10/19/2020 8:05:14 AM
Processor Architecture: AMD64
OS: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.19041.0
Server Type: IIS Express
This machine has 3 IP addresses to take external traffic.
ServerComment : DemoApp
ServerAutoStart: True
ServerState: Stopped
BINDING: HTTP *:50682:localhost
No conflicting TCP reserved port range is found.
This site can take local traffic at
This site can take local traffic at [::1]:50682.
* Web browsers should use URL http://localhost:50682. Requests must have a Host header of "localhost".
Start DNS query for localhost.
DNS Query returns 2 result(s).
* [::1]
BINDING: https *:44300:localhost
No conflicting TCP reserved port range is found.
This site can take local traffic at
This site can take local traffic at [::1]:44300.
* Web browsers should use URL https://localhost:44300. Requests must have a Host header of "localhost".
Start DNS query for localhost.
DNS Query returns 2 result(s).
* [::1]
Binding Diagnostics does not verify certificates and other SSL/TLS related settings.
Please run SSL Diagnostics at the server level to analyze SSL/TLS configuration. More information can be found at https://docs.jexusmanager.com/tutorials/ssl-diagnostics.html.
IMPORTANT: This report might contain confidential information. Mask such before sharing with others.
Scan the folder C:\Users\ragha\source\repos\DemoApp\DemoApp for project files.
1 project(s) is detected.
* DemoApp.csproj
Project file: C:\Users\ragha\source\repos\DemoApp\DemoApp\DemoApp.csproj.
IIS Express configuration file: C:\Users\ragha\source\repos\DemoApp\.vs\DemoApp\config\applicationHost.config.
Analyze ASP.NET Core project.
Visual Studio launchSettings.json: C:\Users\ragha\source\repos\DemoApp\DemoApp\Properties\launchSettings.json.
Extract debugging profiles.
Found 2 profile(s).
* IIS Express
* DemoApp
Extract IIS settings.
sslPort is 44300.
application URL is http://localhost:50682.
Binding localhost on *:50682 (HTTP).
Binding localhost on *:44300 (HTTPS).
A matching binding is found for https://localhost:44300/.
发布于 2020-10-21 12:29:25
发布于 2021-07-01 11:03:12
我只是在控制面板中卸载IIS10.0Express,然后删除ASP.NET (在vs安装程序中修改)并再次安装ASP.NET