特别是当我尝试使用SDK方法时,颤振导入未能解决与无法找到颤振模块导入相关的错误:error: no such module 'FlutterPluginRegistrant'import FlutterPluginRegistrantimport Flutter
我在iOS应用程序中集成了颤振模块,在安装吊舱时,我得到了这个错误。# Uncomment the next line to define a global platform for your project # Comment the next line if you don't want to use dynamic frameworks
# Pods for Flutte
我们已经建立了一个颤振模块,使用Firebase。它在仿真器中工作很好。 The 'Pods-App' target has transitive dependencies that include static frameworks: (cloud_firestore, firebase_core, FirebaseDatabase, FirebaseAuth, FirebaseFirestore, FirebaseCore, FirebaseInstanceI
我正在尝试在flutter中实现支付软件开发工具包,它在安卓方面工作成功,但在iOS中实现同样的功能却遇到了麻烦。 在成功付款后,我得到了回应 func qpResponse(_ response: NSDictionary) { //Perform your actions with the response } 我怎样才能把这个发送给flutter呢?