getting the program to re-run the entire ask number process. // If possible, I would like help on figuring out where I am supposed to place do-while";
cin &g
->Text = Convert::ToString(a); x2=0;
}while(i==0);//here is my problem i need condition to makethe while loop working while the program is running
你好,我是用python编程的新手,我安排了这段代码,这样一个while循环就可以在程序的开始和前述变量的重新计算中验证Gamble变量。我如何才能使程序按原样工作,而不需要编写两次?def gamBling(Gamble):
while Gamble == 'yes' or Gamble == 'Yes' or Gamble == 'y' or Gamble =='Y':