import org.eclipse.jface.text.rules.*;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.*;
public class MySyntaxHighlighter extends RuleBasedScanner {
public MySyntaxHighlighter() {
IToken keyword = new Token(new TextAttribute(Color.BLUE, null, SWT.BOLD));
IToken comment = new Token(new TextAttribute(Color.GREEN, null, SWT.NONE));
IToken string = new Token(new TextAttribute(Color.RED, null, SWT.NONE));
IPredicateRule[] rules = new IPredicateRule[3];
// Add rules for keywords, comments, and strings
rules[0] = new SingleLineCommentRule("//", "\n", comment);
rules[1] = new MultiLineCommentRule("/*", "*/", comment);
rules[2] = new WordPatternRule(new WordMatcher("your_keyword_list_here", true, false), keyword);
// Add other rules as needed
a. 打开Eclipse的“Preferences”对话框。
b. 导航到“General”>“Editors”>“Text Editors”>“Annotations”。
c. 选择要应用自定义语法高亮显示器的文件类型。
d. 选中“Enable annotations”复选框。
e. 单击“Apply and Close”。
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