我对java非常陌生。我想把字符串分成以下几种方式。假设我给出了一个字符串输入,如示例1 jayesh =10 vyas =13 harshit=10; and so on作为输入示例2:harsh=2, vyas=5;
现在我想将jayesh, vyasharsh , vyas from sample 2(all this type of strings which are just before the assignment operator)存储到字符串或
初学者问题5 8 9 2 1 # = 255 7 9 10 2 # = 33
这是分隔的每行和值/个别输入之间,我们有一个空间。我需要编写代码,逐行存储这些值的和,并将它们存储到一个变量中,如a1 = the sum of input line 1、a2 = the sum of input line 2。额外问题:如何将它们单独存储在列表或变量中?比如,a1 = lin