Sub FindAndDrawSameColorCells()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim rng As Range
Dim numRows As Integer
Dim numCols As Integer
Dim colorArray() As Variant
Dim colorIndexArray() As Variant
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer
Dim cellColor As Long
Dim foundMatch As Boolean
' 设置要操作的工作表
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
' 设置要操作的表格范围
Set rng = ws.Range("A1:E10")
' 获取表格的行数和列数
numRows = rng.Rows.Count
numCols = rng.Columns.Count
' 将表格中的颜色值存储在二维数组中
ReDim colorArray(1 To numRows, 1 To numCols)
For i = 1 To numRows
For j = 1 To numCols
colorArray(i, j) = rng.Cells(i, j).Interior.Color
Next j
Next i
' 初始化存储位置信息的数组
ReDim colorIndexArray(1 To numRows * numCols, 1 To 3)
k = 1
' 遍历表格中的每个单元格,查找颜色相等的单元格
For i = 1 To numRows
For j = 1 To numCols
cellColor = colorArray(i, j)
foundMatch = False
' 检查当前单元格与之前的单元格是否颜色相等
For k = 1 To k - 1
If cellColor = colorIndexArray(k, 1) Then
foundMatch = True
Exit For
End If
Next k
' 如果找到颜色相等的单元格,记录其位置信息
If foundMatch Then
colorIndexArray(k, 2) = colorIndexArray(k, 2) & ", " & rng.Cells(i, j).Address
colorIndexArray(k, 1) = cellColor
colorIndexArray(k, 2) = rng.Cells(i, j).Address
k = k + 1
End If
Next j
Next i
' 绘制具有相同内部单元格颜色的表
For k = 1 To UBound(colorIndexArray, 1)
If colorIndexArray(k, 2) <> "" Then
Dim cellAddresses() As String
cellAddresses = Split(colorIndexArray(k, 2), ", ")
' 设置相同颜色的单元格的格式
For i = 0 To UBound(cellAddresses)
ws.Range(cellAddresses(i)).Interior.Color = colorIndexArray(k, 1)
Next i
End If
Next k
End Sub
领取专属 10元无门槛券