我第一次尝试使用JAX-RPC WSDL。我正在使用NetBeans8和Java1.7,我还在我的项目库中包含了JAX-RPC (JWSDP1.6),其中包括jaxrpc-impl.jar (其中包括com.sun.xml.rpc.client.BasicService但是我使用Tomcat从Netbeans中得到了错误:
public class CalculoService_Impl extends com.sun.xml.rpc.client.BasicService
service class "aaa.bbb.Indy.WebService.Functions" does not comply to one or more requirements of the JAX-RPC, otherwise a JAX-RPC 1.1 compliant Web service engine may be unable to construct an instance of the, otherwise a JAX-RPC 1.1 compliant Web service engine
我得到了一个websphere 9,并且需要部署基于jax-rpc的SOAP webservice。客户端拒绝升级,并要求它必须是jax-rpc,而不是jax-ws。我使用Axis1创建set服务,它列出了一组jax-rpc抱怨。service class "com.aiab.pna.webservices.PlanName" does not comply to one or more requirements of the JAX-RPC, otherwise a JAX-RPC
class "net.abc.Indy.WebService.IntegrationUtils" does not comply to one or more requirements of the JAX-RPCclass "net.abc.Indy.WebService.IntegrationUtils" does not comply to one or more requirements of the JAX-RPC, otherwise a JAX-RPC 1.1 compliant Web
com.argedor.ttnetMusic.recommendationWebService.Recommender" does not comply to one or more requirements of the JAX-RPCChapter 5.4 of the JAX-RPC 1.1 specification requires a value type to have a public default constructor, otherwise a JAX-RPC 1.1 compliant Web servic