我还在从AWS Glue开始,我正在尝试将它连接到我托管在RDS Aurora上的可公开访问的MySql数据库,以获取其数据。因此,我首先创建一个爬虫,然后在数据存储中创建一个新连接,如下面的屏幕截图所示:
我检查了其余部分,并最终尝试运行爬虫程序,但得到以下错误:At least one security groupsource security group in your inbound rule can be restricted to the same security group
尝试连接到在Amazon RDS上运行PostgreSQL数据库引擎的DB实例时。 我已经检查了环境变量,并正确设置了这些值。UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: SequelizeConnectionError: database "database-1" does not exist 我的数据库是可公开访问的,并且安全组已检查无误(允许入站和出站连接)。
Loading configuration from: /var/lib/milvus/conf/server_config.yaml Supported CPU instruction sets: avx512, avx2, sse4_2 FAISS hook AVX512 Error: failed to open database: Can't construct MySQL connection. Possible reason: out of storage, meta schema is damaged or created by in-compatible Milvus