
有没有办法分析OMS (开放街道地图) pbf文件的大区域(德国)而不会遇到内存问题?

是的,有办法分析OMS (开放街道地图) pbf文件的大区域(如德国)而不会遇到内存问题。以下是一种可能的解决方案:

  1. 数据分片:将大区域的OMS pbf文件分成多个较小的区域片段,每个片段包含一部分地理数据。这样可以减少单个文件的大小,降低内存使用量。
  2. 数据筛选:根据需求,只选择需要的特定地理数据进行分析,而不是加载整个文件。例如,只加载特定城市或区域的数据,而不是整个国家的数据。
  3. 数据压缩:使用压缩算法对OMS pbf文件进行压缩,以减少文件大小和内存占用。常用的压缩算法包括gzip和bzip2。
  4. 内存优化:在代码中使用内存优化技术,如使用迭代器而不是加载整个数据集到内存中,使用数据流处理而不是一次性加载所有数据等。
  5. 并行处理:利用多线程或分布式计算技术,将大区域的数据分成多个子任务并行处理,以提高处理效率和减少内存占用。
  6. 数据库存储:将OMS pbf文件导入到数据库中,使用数据库的查询和索引功能进行数据分析。这样可以避免一次性加载整个文件到内存中,并且可以利用数据库的优化功能。


  • 腾讯云对象存储(COS):用于存储和管理OMS pbf文件,提供高可靠性和可扩展性。链接:https://cloud.tencent.com/product/cos
  • 腾讯云云数据库(TencentDB):用于将OMS pbf文件导入数据库进行存储和分析。链接:https://cloud.tencent.com/product/cdb
  • 腾讯云弹性MapReduce(EMR):用于并行处理大规模地理数据,提供高性能和可扩展性。链接:https://cloud.tencent.com/product/emr


  • Google Earth Engine——全球摩擦面列举了北纬85度和南纬60度之间的所有陆地像素在2015年的名义年的陆地迁移速度。

    This global friction surface enumerates land-based travel speed for all land pixels between 85 degrees north and 60 degrees south for a nominal year 2015. This map was produced through a collaboration between the University of Oxford Malaria Atlas Project (MAP), Google, the European Union Joint Research Centre (JRC), and the University of Twente, Netherlands. The underlying datasets used to produce the map include roads (comprising the first ever global-scale use of Open Street Map and Google roads datasets), railways, rivers, lakes, oceans, topographic conditions (slope and elevation), landcover types, and national borders. These datasets were each allocated a speed or speeds of travel in terms of time to cross each pixel of that type. The datasets were then combined to produce this “friction surface”, a map where every pixel is allocated a nominal overall speed of travel based on the types occurring within that pixel, with the fastest travel mode intersecting the pixel being used to determine the speed of travel in that pixel (with some exceptions such as national boundaries, which have the effect of imposing a travel time penalty). This map represents the travel speed from this allocation process, expressed in units of minutes required to travel one meter. It forms the underlying dataset behind the global accessibility map described in the referenced paper.


    遥感数据:基于综合大比例尺测绘框架的首个高质量东亚国家建筑物矢量数据(东亚 2.8 亿栋建筑的空间分布图)

    建筑作为人类生活不可分割的一部分,在城市管理和城市分析领域至关重要。为了促进大规模城市规划应用,获取完整可靠的建筑数据势在必行。目前有一些公开产品可以提供大量建筑数据,如微软和开放街道地图。但在东亚地区,由于建筑物分布较为复杂,辅助数据匮乏,这些地区的建筑数据比较缺乏,阻碍了东亚地区的大规模应用。一些研究试图利用当地不完整的建筑足迹数据,通过回归模拟大规模的建筑分布信息。然而,对不准确建筑数据的依赖会带来累积误差,使这种模拟数据极不可靠,导致在东亚地区实现精确研究受到限制。因此,我们针对东亚地区建筑物的复杂性,提出了一个全面的大规模建筑物绘图框架,并在东亚 5 个国家的 2,897 个城市进行了建筑物足迹提取,获得了 281,093,433 栋建筑物的大量数据集。评估结果表明,我们的建筑产品是有效的,总体平均准确率为 89.63%,F1 得分为 82.55%。此外,与现有产品的比较进一步显示了我们的建筑数据的高质量和完整性。最后,我们对建筑数据进行了空间分析,揭示了其在支持城市相关研究方面的价值。本文数据可从http:// https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8174931下载。


    Google Earth Engine——北纬85度和南纬60度之间所有地区到最近的人口密集区的迁移时间数据集

    This global accessibility map enumerates land-based travel time to the nearest densely-populated area for all areas between 85 degrees north and 60 degrees south for a nominal year 2015. Densely-populated areas are defined as contiguous areas with 1,500 or more inhabitants per square kilometer or a majority of built-up land cover types coincident with a population centre of at least 50,000 inhabitants. This map was produced through a collaboration between the University of Oxford Malaria Atlas Project (MAP), Google, the European Union Joint Research Centre (JRC), and the University of Twente, Netherlands. The underlying datasets used to produce the map include roads (comprising the first ever global-scale use of Open Street Map and Google roads datasets), railways, rivers, lakes, oceans, topographic conditions (slope and elevation), landcover types, and national borders. These datasets were each allocated a speed or speeds of travel in terms of time to cross each pixel of that type. The datasets were then combined to produce a “friction surface”, a map where every pixel is allocated a nominal overall speed of travel based on the types occurring within that pixel. Least-cost-path algorithms (running in Google Earth Engine and, for high-latitude areas, in R) were used in conjunction with this friction surface to calculate the time of travel from all locations to the nearest city (by travel time). Cities were determined using the high-density-cover product created by the Global Human Settlement Project. Each pixel in the resultant accessibility map thus represents the modeled shortest time from that location to a city.



    摘要:以大规模和低成本收集的数据(例如卫星和街道图像)有可能显着提高分辨率,空间覆盖率和测量城市不平等现象的时间频率。对于给定的地理区域,通常可以使用来自不同来源的多种类型的数据。然而,由于联合使用方法上的困难,大多数研究在进行测量时都使用单一类型的输入数据。我们提出了两种基于深度学习的方法,以结合利用卫星图像和街道图像来测量城市不平等现象。我们以伦敦为例,对三项选定的产出进行了案例研究,每项产出均按十分位类别衡量:收入,人满为患和环境剥夺。我们使用平均绝对误差(MAE)将我们提出的多峰模型与相应的单峰模型的性能进行比较。首先,将卫星图块附加到街道级别的图像上,以增强对可获得街道图像的位置的预测,从而将精确度提高20%,10%和9%,以收入,人满为患和居住环境的十分位数为单位。据我们所知,第二种方法是新颖的,它使用U-Net体系结构以高空间分辨率(例如,在我们的实验中为伦敦的3 m×3 m像素)对城市中的所有网格单元进行预测。它可以利用全市范围内的卫星图像可用性,以及从可用的街道级别图像中获得的稀疏信息,从而将准确性提高6%,10%和11%。我们还显示了两种方法的预测图示例,以直观地突出显示性能差异。
