当我手动检查phpmyadmin时,我的sql查询运行良好,但当我尝试通过php mysql_query处理它时,会抛出一个语法错误。如何解决这个问题?错误消息:You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL"INSERT INTO scores( user_id ) VALUES (LAST_INSERT_ID( ));";
$result = m
当我在mysql中测试这个查询时,它很好,但是当我在php中运行它时,我一直得到这个错误。You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version$sql .= " ORDER BY totalPoints DESC, totalWins DESC, totalPushs DESC, totalLost ";
$result = mysql_
我跟随Larry Ullman的书"php和mysql for dynamic and“,尝试访问mysql客户端。所以根据这本书,我包含了通过xampp到mysql的路径。c:\xampp\mysql\bin -u root -p; 但上面写着 c:\xampp\mysql\bin' is not recognized as an internal or external