之前的令牌'Modi‘被spacy识别为一个组织,我用下面的代码重新训练它:import randomnlp.entity.add_labelcompany made a late push\ninto hardware, and Apple’s Siri and Google available on iPhones, and Amazon’s Alexa\nsoftware, which runs on its Echo and
(对于组织名称)请在下面找到我正在使用的脚本 import spacytext = "But Google is startingcompany made a late push \ Alexasoftware, which runs on its Echo and Dot devices, have
import spacytext = "But YouTube is starting from behind.The company made a late push\ninto hardware, and Apple’s Siri, available on iPhones, and Amazon’s Alexa\nsoftware, which runs on its Echo and Dot devices, have clear leads in\nconsumer ad