

Facebook Like Button Not Displaying in WebView (iOS and Android)


Facebook like buttons are commonly used on websites to allow users to like content and share it with their friends. However, some users may encounter issues with the like button not displaying in the web view of an iOS or Android app. This article will discuss the reasons why the like button may not be displaying and provide solutions to resolve the issue.

Reasons for the Like Button Not Displaying:

  1. JavaScript Errors:

JavaScript errors can prevent the like button from displaying properly. If there are any issues with the JavaScript code used to create the like button, it may not work properly.

  1. Security Issues:

If there are any security issues with the website or app, the like button may not be able to function properly. For example, if the website or app is not configured to allow likes, the like button may not work at all.

  1. Browser Compatibility Issues:

If the website or app is not compatible with the user's browser, the like button may not display properly. This can occur if the website or app is using outdated or unsupported browser features.

  1. Incorrect HTML Code:

If the like button is not displaying, it may be due to incorrect HTML code. Make sure that the HTML code for the like button is correct and that it is using the appropriate tags.

  1. Cache Issues:

If the like button is not displaying, it may be due to cache issues. Try clearing the cache and cookies for the website or app to see if that resolves the issue.

Solutions to Fix the Like Button Not Displaying Issue:

  1. Check for JavaScript Errors:

If there are any JavaScript errors, they can prevent the like button from displaying properly. Make sure that the JavaScript code used to create the like button is correct and that there are no errors.

  1. Check for Security Issues:

If there are any security issues with the website or app, the like button may not be able to function properly. Make sure that the website or app is configured to allow likes and that there are no security restrictions that are preventing the like button from working.

  1. Check for Browser Compatibility Issues:

If the website or app is not compatible with the user's browser, the like button may not display properly. Make sure that the website or app is using the latest browser features and that it is compatible with the user's browser.

  1. Check for Incorrect HTML Code:

If the like button is not displaying, it may be due to incorrect HTML code. Make sure that the HTML code for the like button is correct and that it is using the appropriate tags.

  1. Clear Cache:

If the like button is not displaying due to cache issues, try clearing the cache and cookies for the website or app. This can help to resolve any issues with the like button.


In conclusion, there are several reasons why the like button may not be displaying in a web view. By addressing the root cause of the issue, it is possible to resolve the issue and ensure that the like button is functioning properly.

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