LatLng oldLatLng =; // this is line 185 in stMapScreen.dartNoSuchMethodError: NoSuchMethodError: The getter 'center' was called on null.
我将对flutter_gallery示例进行扩展。════════════════════ I/flutter : The following NoSuchMethodError was thrown building GalleryApp(dirty; state: I/flutter : GalleryAppState(48280642)): I/flutter : No top-level getter 'JournalDemo' declaredI
I/flutter ( 4941): The getter 'openAppDrawerTooltip' was called on null.I/flutter ( 4941): Receiver: null I/flutter ( 4941): Tried calling: openAppDrawerTooltip I/flutter (4941): Another exception was thrown: NoSuchMethodError</em