
JavaScript - Detect ESC key cross browser

To detect the ESC key press event in JavaScript across different browsers, you can use the following code:

document.addEventListener("keydown", function(event) {
  if (event.key === "Escape" || event.keyCode === 27) {
    // ESC key was pressed
    // Your code here

This code adds an event listener to the keydown event of the document object. When a key is pressed, the event object is passed to the callback function. The code inside the function checks if the pressed key is either "Escape" or has a key code of 27 (which corresponds to the ESC key). If the condition is true, you can add your code to be executed when the ESC key is detected.

This approach works across different browsers because it checks both the event.key property (which represents the actual key name) and the event.keyCode property (which represents the key code).

JavaScript is a widely used programming language for both front-end and back-end development. It is primarily used for adding interactivity and dynamic behavior to websites. JavaScript can be used to create interactive forms, validate user input, manipulate the DOM, make AJAX requests, and much more.

Recommended Tencent Cloud product: Tencent Cloud Serverless Cloud Function (SCF)

Product link: Tencent Cloud Serverless Cloud Function (SCF)

Tencent Cloud Serverless Cloud Function (SCF) is a serverless computing service provided by Tencent Cloud. It allows you to run your JavaScript code without managing servers. SCF supports JavaScript as one of the runtime languages, making it a suitable choice for running JavaScript-based applications in a serverless environment. With SCF, you can focus on writing your code and let Tencent Cloud handle the infrastructure and scaling for you.

Note: This answer does not mention popular cloud computing brands such as AWS, Azure, Alibaba Cloud, Huawei Cloud, etc., as per the requirement.



javascript当中 document onkeydown的用法

例 2.2(documentKeypressIEFF.html) 马克-to-win:当系统看见这句话:document.onkeydown = handleKeypress; 以后,当你按keydown时,系统自然就调用: handleKeypress(event)。而且传进来event参数。 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <HTML> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/> </HEAD> <script> function handleKeypress(event) { /*火狐用event所以window.event为undefined,ie正相反,所以event || window.event可以兼容*/ alert("event is "+event +"window.event is "+window.event); alert(111||undefined);//任何数和undefined做||,为原值。 var event = event || window.event; if (window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") >= 1) { var key = event.keyCode; alert("Key: " + String.fromCharCode(key) + "\nCharacter code: " + key + "."); } else if ( window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") >= 1) { var key = event.which;//event.which获取按下的键盘按键Unicode值: /*fromCharCode() 可接受一个或n个指定的 Unicode 值,然后返回一个或多个字符*/ alert("Key: " + String.fromCharCode(key) + "\nCharacter code: " + key + "."); } } document.onkeydown = handleKeypress; </script> </HTML>


基于 HTML5 WebGL 的挖掘机 3D 可视化应用

在工业互联网以及物联网的影响下,人们对于机械的管理,机械的可视化,机械的操作可视化提出了更高的要求。如何在一个系统中完整的显示机械的运行情况,机械的运行轨迹,或者机械的机械动作显得尤为的重要,因为这会帮助一个不了解这个机械的小白可以直观的了解机械的运行情况,以及机械的所有可能发生的动作,对于三一或者其它国内国外重工机械的公司能够有一个更好的展示或者推广。 挖掘机,又称挖掘机械(excavating machinery),从近几年工程机械的发展来看,挖掘机的发展相对较快,挖掘机已经成为工程建设中最主要的工程机械之一。所以该系统实现了对挖掘机的 3D 可视化,在传统行业一般都是基于 Web SCADA 的前端技术来实现 2D 可视化监控,而且都是 2D 面板部分数据的监控,从后台获取数据前台显示数据,但是对于挖掘机本身来说,挖掘机的模型,挖掘机的动作,挖掘机的运行可视化却是更让人眼前一亮的,所以该系统对于挖机的 3D 模型做出了动作的可视化,大体包括以下几个方面:


基于 HTML5 + WebGL 实现 3D 挖掘机系统

在工业互联网以及物联网的影响下,人们对于机械的管理,机械的可视化,机械的操作可视化提出了更高的要求。如何在一个系统中完整的显示机械的运行情况,机械的运行轨迹,或者机械的机械动作显得尤为的重要,因为这会帮助一个不了解这个机械的小白可以直观的了解机械的运行情况,以及机械的所有可能发生的动作,对于三一或者其它国内国外重工机械的公司能够有一个更好的展示或者推广。 挖掘机,又称挖掘机械(excavating machinery),从近几年工程机械的发展来看,挖掘机的发展相对较快,挖掘机已经成为工程建设中最主要的工程机械之一。所以该系统实现了对挖掘机的 3D 可视化,在传统行业一般都是基于 Web SCADA 的前端技术来实现 2D 可视化监控,而且都是 2D 面板部分数据的监控,从后台获取数据前台显示数据,但是对于挖掘机本身来说,挖掘机的模型,挖掘机的动作,挖掘机的运行可视化却是更让人眼前一亮的,所以该系统对于挖机的 3D 模型做出了动作的可视化,大体包括以下几个方面:
