src\test\java\com\xxx\qm\testrunner\test\[11,5] annotations are not supported in -source 1.3blah\src\test\java\com\xxx\qm\common\test\[11,5] annotations are not supported in -source 1.3(use -source 5 or higher to enable annotations)我的Maven依
我正在尝试在eclipse中安装maven 1.5,不幸的是,我得到的错误如下:
Cannot complete the install because one or more required itemsSoftware being installed: m2e - Maven Integration for Eclipse (includes Incubating components) (
不知道为什么不支持注释,我使用NetBeans IDE做了同样的工作,
一切顺利,没有任何问题。workspace\RestfulService\src\restfu\[18,1] error: annotations are not supported in -source 1.3workspace\RestfulService\src\restfu\[18,1] error: annotations are not supported in -source 1.3worksp
我正在使用嵌入式jetty服务器构建一个war,我通过eclipse运行maven,然后运行maven install。我收到一堆“不支持”的错误(use -source 5 or higherpublic List<Role> findAllRoles()[44,1] annotations are not supported in -source