你好,有没有人成功地在最新的python版本上安装了pyHook?C:\Users\T>python --versionCollecting pyHook Could not finda version that satisfies the requirement pyHook (from versions: ) No matching distribution found forpyHook</
我正在尝试通过pip install Pyhook在Python 3.8.1上安装Pyhook,但一直收到以下错误消息:ERROR: No matching distribution found for pyhook.pip install C:\Users\Andrea\Downloads\pyHook-1.5.1-cp3
我是Ubuntu OS,在pycharm中尝试安装this python脚本时遇到这个错误,它需要安装pyHook模块,但得到了这个错误: ? Collecting pyHook
Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement pyHook (from versions: )No matching distribution found for pyHook 在终端中也会得到这个错误: so@so-notebook:~/Desktop
我尝试使用中的.whl文件安装PyhookCould not find any downloads that satisfythe requirement pyhookStoring debug log for failure in C:\Users\MOHSENE\pip\pip.log在python3.4中还有