我使用的是MS SQL Server 2016。 我在表'MyTable‘中有一个字段'MyDate’。它包含varchar(10)格式的日期,格式为dd/mm/yyyy,例如21/01/2020 如何将它们转换为SQL Datetime格式?我试过了: select CONVERT(varchar(10), CAST(MyDate as date), 103) as 'dd/mm/
, itime, mdocm) as rnum, cast(to_varchar(idate) || to_varchar(itime)from :sel_imrg and idate between v_date_begin and v_date_endorder by mandt, equnr, idate, itime, MDOCM;
即将到来的活动日期(eventID) = 2018年7月29日SELECT * FROM event WHERE eventDate > CURDATE() ORDER BY STR_TO_DATE(eventDate,'%d %F %Y')$result = mysqli_query($con, $sql);>eventID int(11) AUTO_INCREMENTeventDate va
如何将数据库从PostgreSQL转换为MySQL?我已经有了postgresql转储文件,我尝试使用pg2mysql脚本进行转换,但是当上传该文件时会产生以下错误: check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the rightsyntax to use near 'bigserial