最好的代码是不存在的代码,在这方面,Haskell对派生实现(在deriving via中变得更好)有很大的支持。PolyKinds#-}
NLeaf a derivingtype 'a n_tree = NLeaf of 'a | NNode of ('a * 'a) n_tree (* [@@deriving map] fails
import Data.Functor.Foldable
type T1 = Fix T1F arising from the first field of ‘Bar’ (type ‘T1’) use a standalone 'derivinginstance' declaration,
so you
我试图在Haskell中定义一个包含具有多个参数(幻影类型)的数据类型的新数据类型: KnS Cudd.Cudd.DdManager [Prp] (Dd a b c) [(Agent,[Prp])]data KnowStruct =
KnS Cudd.Cudd.DdManager [Prp] (Dd a b c) [(Agent,[Prp])]
c) deriving (Show, Eq) data Six a b c = Six (Fivea b c) (One a b c) deriving (Show, Eq)
data Seven a b c = Seven (Five a b c) (Two a b c) derivinga b c d e = Nine (One a b c) (One c d e) deriving (S