
Android Studio 3.0 最新版本运行报错: Task 'package' is ambiguous in root project 'MyRobot'. Candidates are:

09:52:22.876 [ERROR] [org.gradle.internal.buildevents.BuildExceptionReporter] 09:52:22.877 [ERROR] [org.gradle.internal.buildevents.BuildExceptionReporter] FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. 09:52:22.877 [ERROR] [org.gradle.internal.buildevents.BuildExceptionReporter] 09:52:22.877 [ERROR] [org.gradle.internal.buildevents.BuildExceptionReporter] * What went wrong: 09:52:22.877 [ERROR] [org.gradle.internal.buildevents.BuildExceptionReporter] Task 'package' is ambiguous in root project 'MyRobot'. Candidates are: 'packageDebug', 'packageDebugAndroidTest', 'packageRelease'. 09:52:22.877 [ERROR] [org.gradle.internal.buildevents.BuildExceptionReporter] 09:52:22.877 [ERROR] [org.gradle.internal.buildevents.BuildExceptionReporter] * Try: 09:52:22.878 [ERROR] [org.gradle.internal.buildevents.BuildExceptionReporter] Run gradle tasks to get a list of available tasks. Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. 09:52:22.878 [ERROR] [org.gradle.internal.buildevents.BuildExceptionReporter] 09:52:22.878 [ERROR] [org.gradle.internal.buildevents.BuildExceptionReporter] * Get more help at https://help.gradle.org 09:52:22.879 [ERROR] [org.gradle.internal.buildevents.BuildResultLogger] 09:52:22.879 [ERROR] [org.gradle.internal.buildevents.BuildResultLogger] BUILD FAILED in 1m 2s 09:52:22.914 [DEBUG] [org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.KotlinGradleBuildServices] [KOTLIN] Skipping kotlin cleanup since compiler wasn't called 09:52:22.944 [DEBUG] [org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.KotlinGradleBuildServices] [KOTLIN] Disposed KotlinGradleBuildServices 09:52:22.945 [DEBUG] [org.gradle.internal.work.DefaultWorkerLeaseService] Worker lease root.1 completed (0 worker(s) in use)



1)mkString()方法的使用: 防盗版实名手机尾号:73203 package com object Test { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { var name : String = "Hello mark-to-win" var tmp="" /*def mkString(sep: String): String Displays all elements of this string in a string using a separator string. */ tmp=name.mkString(" ") println("name.mkString(\" \") is "+tmp) tmp=name.mkString(",") println("name.mkString(\",\") is "+tmp) /*def mkString(start: String, sep: String, end: String): String Displays all elements of this string in a string using start, end, and separator strings. * */ tmp=name.mkString("begin",",","end") println("name.mkString(\"begin\",\",\",\"end\") is "+tmp) val aList = List(1,4,3,7,5) /*def mkString(sep: String): String Displays all elements of this list in a string using a separator string. */ tmp=aList.mkString(",") println(tmp) } }


windows scala helloworld例子详解

windows scala helloworld例子详解: 在操作系统中,我们的Test3.scala会生成Test3.class,然后class文件被虚拟机加载并执行, 这一点和java是一样的。 1 马克-to-win @ 马克java社区: 以object关键字修饰一个类名,这种语法叫做孤立对象,这个对象是单例的。 相当于将单例类和单例对象同时定义。相当于java中的单例,即在内存中只会存在一个Test3实例。创建一个Scala Object,它相当于java的static, 不要用Scala-class去建工程,不然就不能建main函数了。 2 方法声明以def开头, 然后是方法名, 参数列表, 返回值, 等号, 方法体 。如下: def method1(x : Int) : Int = { x += 1 } 如果没有返回值, 可以省略等号, 直接写方法体。(就像咱们的例子) 3.Scala语法必备基础: 我们这章只是入门,所以只给出一点scala语法的必备知识,否则连本章之后的RDD都无法展开讲述。真正的scala语法详解会放在将来的章节。 1)mkString()方法的使用: 马克-to-win @ 马克java社区:防盗版实名手机尾号:73203 package com object Test { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { var name : String = "Hello mark-to-win" var tmp="" /*def mkString(sep: String): String Displays all elements of this string in a string using a separator string. */ tmp=name.mkString(" ") println("name.mkString(\" \") is "+tmp) tmp=name.mkString(",") println("name.mkString(\",\") is "+tmp) /*def mkString(start: String, sep: String, end: String): String Displays all elements of this string in a string using start, end, and separator strings. * */ tmp=name.mkString("begin",",","end") println("name.mkString(\"begin\",\",\",\"end\") is "+tmp) val aList = List(1,4,3,7,5) /*def mkString(sep: String): String Displays all elements of this list in a string using a separator string. */ tmp=aList.mkString(",") println(tmp) } }



GNU Binary Utilities或binutils是一整套的编程语言工具程序,用来处理许多格式的目标文件。当前的版本原本由在Cygnus Solutions的程序员以Binary File Descriptor library(libbfd)所撰写。这个工具程序通常搭配GCC、make、和GDB这些程序来使用。 相关网址:https://www.gnu.org/software/binutils/ addr2line - (可将一个地址转换成对应的源代码文件名和行号)Converts addresses into filenames and line numbers. ar - (打包静态库工具,用法如:ar cru libx.a a.o b.o d.o)A utility for creating, modifying and extracting from archives. c++filt - (解码C++名字工具,使用nm看到是编码后的名字)Filter to demangle encoded C++ symbols. nm - (列出所有符号)Lists symbols from object files. objdump - (显示目标文件的相关信息,亦可反汇编)Displays information from object files. ranlib - (为静态库文件产生索引)Generates an index to the contents of an archive. readelf - (显示ELF文件的内容)Displays information from any ELF format object file. size - (列出文本段、数据段等大小)Lists the section sizes of an object or archive file. strings - (列出任何二进制文件内的可显示字符串)Lists printable strings from files. strip - (删除符号表工具,文件可以瘦身,但gdb将不能工作)Discards symbols. gprof - (性能分析工具)Displays profiling information. objcopy - (复制目标文件,过程中可以修改)Copies and translates object files. dlltool - (创建Windows动态库工具)Creates files for building and using DLLs. gold - (用来替代ld的链接工具,不过只能用于生成可执行程序,而不能用于生成共享库)A new, faster, ELF only linker, still in beta test. nlmconv - (可以转换成NetWare Loadable Module目标文件格式)Converts object code into an NLM. windmc - (产生Windows消息资源)A Windows compatible message compiler. windres - (Windows资源文件编译器)A compiler for Windows resource files.


AP5199平均电流LED驱动IC 0-450V 10A大功率LED车灯驱动IC

The AP5199 is an average current mode control LED driver IC operating in a constant off-time mode. Unlike AP5160,this control IC does not produce a peak-to-average error, and therefore greatly improves accuracy, line and load regulation of the LED current without any need for loop compensation or high-side current sensing. The output LED current accuracy is ±3%. The IC is equipped with a current limit comparator for hiccup-mode output short circuit protection. The AP5199 can be powered from an 8.0 - 450V supply. A PWM dimming input is provided that accepts an External control TTL compatible signal. The output current can be programmed by an internal 275mV reference, or controlled externally through a 0 - 1.5V dimming input.
