
Introduce myself

Good morning,dear professors.My name is Sun ZhaoLi.I am 23 years old.And I come form Rizhao,Shandong Province.As you can see,I have a nice personality and I am very easy to get along with. I major in preschool education at Shandong Women’s University.In the past 3 and a half years, I spent most of my time on study.I passed kindergarten teacher qualification certificate and certificate of Chinese Dance Level1-3,Which I have acquired the basic knowledge of Education both in theory and in practice. Honestly speaking,I’m proud of my ability to persevere and overcome challenges.This year I was having a hard time learning the Education applied class,but on the one hand I looked up for relevant information and associate myself;on the other hand I picked teacher’s brains,and ended up with a high score in the class.well,in my spare time,I have intense interest in painting and doing handwork.Also,I enjoy watching variety shows,especially qi pa shuo.except this has a humorous language,I can reflection myself and then be my best.(例子) Besides,I did an internship in a local kindergarten during a month and was fortunate to contribute to International Children’s Day. I was taking charge of the wall decoration and dance show.This experience affirmed my desire to pursue a career in this field,which is why I’m here today. In addition,I watched Beida Mountaion Education Forum held in my University.for example the elder sisters Li Fengyan shared sensory integrtion and the training, the professor dongxuhua shared about Children’s Play Experience.Through these activities,I have a better understanding of my major. What’s more,my intense interest in my major affirmed my desire to pursue a higher degree on interpreting at this university.I love the atmosphere of this campus,which is full passion and youthful spirit.Students in this university can help me to meet top students and scholars.Therefore,I believe it can bring my academic research to higher level.If I lucky enough to be accepted,I well devote all my efforts


机器学习| 第三周:数据表示与特征工程

到目前为止,表示分类变量最常用的方法就是使用 one-hot 编码(one-hot-encoding)或 N 取一编码(one-out-of-N encoding), 也叫虚拟变量(dummy variable)。虚拟变量背后的思想是将一个分类变量替换为一个或多个新特征,新特征取值为 0 和 1 。 如下图,是用来预测某个人的收入是大于 50K 还是小于 50K 的部分数据集。其中,只有 age 和 hour-per-week 特征是数值数据,其他则为非数值数据,编码就是要对这些非数值数据进行数值编码。将数据转换为分类变量的 one-hot 编码有两种方法:一种是使用 pandas,一种是使用 scikit-learn 。 pandas 使用起来会简单一点,故本文使用的是 pandas 方法。
