error-prone github 地址为 举几个例子 1 2 3 4 5 private void testCollectionIncompatibleType...如何配置 error-prone有对应的gradle插件,只需要应用即可。...,禁止应用error-prone插件,不对构建时间影响 在特殊场景,比如持续集成时应用error-prone插件,用来发现问题。...一次编译过程中,error-prone可以报出多个错误 Android Studio也有对应的error-prone插件,大家也可以使用。 以上就是关于error-prone的一些简单总结。...Error-prone在Flipboard中已经应用很久,采用的方式为开发构建时不开启,在持续集成时开启。大家可根据自己和团队的需要选择并应用error-prone,来快速发现问题并改善代码的质量。
E9%A1%B9%E7%9B%AE 上新二 分析方案支持查看所有已配置规则 分析方案->查看已配置规则 上新三 使用模板新建分析项目支持修改分析方案名称 分析方案->分析方案模板 上新四 支持获取工具Error-Prone...的错误告警信息 《Error-Prone使用手册》:
functions ES.60:避免在资源管理函数之外使用new和delete Reason(原因) Direct resource management in application code is error-prone
// bad: less expressive // and more error-prone
with individual characters, using character-level input leads to the user code performing potentially error-prone
senders and receivers performs well with Activities, Fragments, and background threads avoids complex and error-prone
Don't use lock-free programming unless you absolutely have to CP.100:不要使用无锁编程方式,除非绝对必要 Reason(原因) It's error-prone
It is error-prone, though, especially when the bound is non-local.
Note(注意) Capping an individual virtual function with final is error-prone as final can easily be overlooked
Every example we have seen of this is error-prone, specialized, and often buggy.
Faking concept overloading using enable_if sometimes forces us to use that error-prone design technique
例如下面的代码: void f2(int i) // Clumsy and error-prone: explicit release { int* p = new int[12];...void f2(int i) // Clumsy and error-prone: explicit release { int* p = new int[12]; // ...
解决方法是,我们可以选择性的应用crashlytics插件,具体可以参考Error-prone,Google出品的Java和Android Bug分析利器中关于选择开启error-prone的部分。
) using %s, and printf() using %s are security hazards (vulnerable to buffer overflow and generally error-prone
重组的致变来源于重组相关的易错修复合成(error-prone repair synthesis)。...修复过程会伴随DNA的复制(Break-repair-induced replication),而DNA损伤会激活SOS系统,在这一过程中易错DNA聚合酶(error-prone DNA polymerase
It can do this by taking over time-consuming and error-prone manual work.
// Error prone-version, could throw. const nameLength =; // Less error-prone, but
invalid object and relying on users to consistently check an is_valid() function before use is tedious, error-prone
改进示例:手动释放资源 void f2(int i) // Clumsy and error-prone: explicit release { int* p = new int[12];
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