This a little like programming, just as Linux System, kernel is like the truth, and there are attached...individual like us, then that an individual’s genetic code must be as complex as it to terror like Linux...OK, That must be the God....If God is a programmer, how to design the system he or she will be(Maybe just like the song “God is a...God, what are you thinking about?
god is a girl 题意:解码。
god is a gril Remembering me,discover and see All over the world, 记得我在世界上寻找而发现 She’s known...shall be key Forgotten as the past 思想将被封锁,忘记过去 Cause history will last 使得过去的故事继续延续…… God...God is a girl, 上帝是一个女孩 Whatever you say, 无论你说什么 do you believe it can you receive it?...God is a girl, 上帝是一个女孩 However you live, 无论你生活怎么样 do you believe it can you receive it...God is a girl, 上帝是一个女孩 She’s only a girl, 她只是一个女孩 do you believe it can you receive it
E – god is a girl Time Limit:1000MS Memory Limit:32768KB 64bit IO Format:%I64d & %I64u...Submit Status Description One day,when I was dreaming,god went into my dream,she was pretty /^_^\… I really wanted to talked to her,but my English was so poor and she was not a national god
时间线 2018年08月19日晚十一点半,宣传良久的区块链赌博游戏God.Game合约被创建于以太坊6176235区块。...0x01 合约介绍 智能合约名为God,地址为 0xca6378fcdf24ef34b4062dda9f1862ea59bafd4d,部署于 6176235,发行了名为God币的代币(erc20 token...God.Game主要是一个银行合约,代码有上千行,较为复杂。如果之前对PoWH3D等类似合约有过接触,God便不难理解。下面我们介绍些简单概念。...God币便是符合ERC20协议的代币。 合约功能 在God.Game中,你可以通过eth购买token(god币),当你拥有了token,相当于参加了这个游戏。...官网 附录1 此次事件相关地址 God合约创建者 0x802dF0C73EB17E540b39F1aE73C13dcea5A1CAAa God合约地址 0xCA6378fcdf24Ef34B4062Dda9F1862Ea59BaFD4d
god is a girl Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others) Total...Submission(s): 1135 Accepted Submission(s): 514 Problem Description One day,when I was dreaming,god...I really wanted to talked to her,but my English was so poor and she was not a national god but a foreign
大家好,本期给大家推荐的文献是Differentially Expressed lncRNAs in Gastric Cancer Patients: A Po...
God is Gril 一首不错的英文歌曲,一时光把歌词拷贝下来了,就没看曲作者 和 歌手 可是不知道歌词,所以在google上搜索到了,谁知道找到了,god is a girl,do you...的帖子,没看歌词之前,看到帖子上的对话,比较有意思. god is girl ? do u believe that god is girl . can u receive it ?...Re:god is girl ? YES Re:god is girl ? I do not know.不过我知道你是女的。 Re:god is girl ?...god is a girl, whatever you say, do you believe it, can you recieve it?...god is a girl, however you live, do you believe it, can you recieve it?
攻击流程总结 创建一个攻击合约,可以调用God合约并且向该合约转入几个God token 攻击合约调用God合约withdraw的函数,触发payouts[address]值增加 调用攻击合约将攻击合约中的...攻击者通过攻击合约调用God合约的reinvest()函数,使用异常的dividends购买了大量God代币,总量约为300亿,此时代币价格迅速攀升,最后,攻击者只卖出了0.9个token就已经将合约中的...攻击流程复现 复现环境: Ropsten测试链 复现步骤: 部署God合约在测试链上,God地址: 0x92cbCBc31f6bb209f2C4F6cbd0596ba22D71979d 普通用户支付...攻击者通过PWN合约调用GOD合约reinvest函数,利用超大的dividendsOf 值购买代币,获得了大量代币,使得profitPerShare提升到极大值,进而破坏了God 与ETH之间的汇率...PWN购买的God代币数 9. God合约的代币数量与主链上数量相近,复现成功 ? 测试God合约代币总量300亿 ?
god is a girl Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others) Total...Submission(s): 1337 Accepted Submission(s): 618 Problem Description One day,when I was dreaming, /^_^\… I really wanted to talked to her,but my English was so poor and she was not a national god
root supergroup 8.61 KB 2 128 MB install.log 2、基本特征 HDFS是一个文件系统 类似unix、linux...有用户概念 HDFS有相关命令和接口去创建用户 有超级用户的概念 linux系统中超级用户:root hdfs系统中超级用户: 是namenode进程的启动用户 有权限概念...这个用户来启动 重复操作node01~node04: sh 3.1、添加用户:root useradd god passwd god 3.2、将资源与用户绑定 chown -R...god src chown -R god /opt/bigdata/hadoop-2.6.5 chown -R god /var/bigdata/hadoop 3.3、切换到god去启动 sh为了拿到.ssh ssh localhost 给god做免密 注意:我们是HA模式:免密的2中场景都要做的 # node01~node02: cd /home/god/.ssh ssh-keygen
I teach linux. I like badminton ball ,billiard ball and chinese chess!...I teach linux. I like badminton ball ,billiard ball and chinese chess!...I teach linux. I like badminton ball ,billiard ball and chinese chess!...I teach linux.....$' oldboy.txt I teach linux. not 4900000448.
第1章 linux的特殊符号 1.1 通配符 * {} 1.1.1 含义 方便查找文件 通配符是用来找文件名字的。....$ my god ,i am not oldbey,but OLDBOY!$ 2.5.2 找以m开头的行 ^ ^m 表示以m开头,^表示以什么开头。 blog is my god ,i am not oldbey,but OLDBOY!...I teach linux. I like badminton ball ,billiard ball and chinese chess!...I teach linux. I like badminton ball ,billiard ball and chinese chess!
/]# cat 0.txt /root/ [root@linux /]# grep "<root" 0.txt [root@linux /]# grep "root...>" 0.txt [root@linux /]# grep "a\{1\}" 0.txt #a出现2次的显示 aa123456 213456a [root@linux /]# grep.../]# egrep "a+" 0.txt aa123456 213456a [root@linux /]# cat 0.txt aa123456 213456a 45966bb god gd [...root@linux /]# egrep "go?...d" 0.txt 查找god和gd这两个字符串 god gd [root@linux /]# cat 0.txt hello hlllo heeee [root@linux /]# egrep '
I teach linux. I like badminton ball ,billiard ball and chinese chess! god ,i am not oldbey,but OLDBOY!...I teach linux. I like badminton ball ,billiard ball and chinese chess! god ,i am not oldbey,but OLDBOY!...egrep "gd|god" a.log gd god [root@znix ~]# egrep "go?
版本号 版本: 1.9.2 什么问题 服务器被入侵了, 阿里云报的: -[25877] PM2 v4.4.0: God Daemon (/root/.pm2) -[26378] node server...-[31498] /bin/sh -c id;wget;chmod 777 20000;./20000 -[25877] PM2 v4.4.0: God...Daemon (/root/.pm2) -[26378] node server/app.js -[25877] PM2 v4.4.0: God Daemon (/root/.pm2)...md5: c303c2fff08565b7977afccb762e2072 扫描来源方式: 进程启动扫描 进程id: 31969 进程命令行: ps aux 如何复现此问题 ~ 什么浏览器 ~ 什么系统(Linux
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