

前言: 简单看了一下glusterfs,使用单节点构造glusterfs环境,导出的路径是是本地SSD在分区上。用qemu挂载glusterfs上的卷,用FIO测试IOPS,测试结果不理想。 大致分析了一下,怀疑fuse会导致性能下降。 分析: 1,libfuse & fuse 为了方便测试和便于分析问题,使用了libfuse。代码地址https://github.com/libfuse/libfuse 编译libfuse比较麻烦,不支持Makefile,需要用meson编译,而且meson的版本要求比较高,不能用apt-get直接安装。操作方法就是下载高版本的meson包,在meson包里面执行python3 setup.py install。 除了用户态的libfuse之外,还需要kernel支持。作者在Ubuntu1804上测试,fuse已经被编译到kernel中。在config文件(内核配置文件即ls /boot/config-`uname -r`)中CONFIG_FUSE_FS。如果是kmod的方式编译,执行modprobe fuse。

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    randrepeat=boolForrandomIOworkloads,seedthegeneratorinapredictablewaysothatresultsarerepeatableacrossrepetitions.Defaultstotrue.randseed=intSeedtherandomnumbergeneratorsbasedonthisseedvalue,tobeabletocontrolwhatsequenceofoutputisbeinggenerated.Ifnotset,therandomsequencedependsontherandrepeatsetting.fallocate=strWhetherpre-allocationisperformedwhenlayingdownfiles.Acceptedvaluesare:noneDonotpre-allocatespaceposixPre-allocateviaposix_fallocate()keepPre-allocateviafallocate()withFALLOC_FL_KEEP_SIZEset0Backward-compatiblealiasfor'none'1Backward-compatiblealiasfor'posix'Maynotbeavailableonallsupportedplatforms.'keep'isonlyavailableonLinux.IfusingZFSonSolaristhismustbesetto'none'becauseZFSdoesn't support it. Default: 'posix'. fadvise_hint=bool By default, fio will use fadvise() to advise the kernel on what IO patterns it is likely to issue. Sometimes you want to test specific IO patterns without telling the kernel about it, in which case you can disable this option. If set, fio will use POSIX_FADV_SEQUENTIAL for sequential IO and POSIX_FADV_RANDOM for random IO. fadvise_stream=int Notify the kernel what write stream ID to place these writes under. Only supported on Linux. Note, this option may change going forward. size=int The total size of file io for this job. Fio will run until this many bytes has been transferred, unless runtime is limited by other options (such as 'runtime', for instance, or increased/decreased by 'io_size'). Unless specific nrfiles and filesize options are given, fio will divide this size between the available files specified by the job. If not set, fio will use the full size of the given files or devices. If the files do not exist, size must be given. It is also possible to give size as a percentage between 1 and 100. If size=20% is given, fio will use 20% of the full size of the given files or devices. io_size=int io_limit=int Normally fio operates within the region set by 'size', which means that the 'size' option sets both the region and size of IO to



    sync_file_range=str:valUsesync_file_range()forevery'val'numberofwriteoperations.Fiowilltrackrangeofwritesthathavehappenedsincethelastsync_file_range()call.'str'cancurrentlybeoneormoreof:wait_beforeSYNC_FILE_RANGE_WAIT_BEFOREwriteSYNC_FILE_RANGE_WRITEwait_afterSYNC_FILE_RANGE_WAIT_AFTERSoifyoudosync_file_range=wait_before,write:8,fiowoulduseSYNC_FILE_RANGE_WAIT_BEFORE|SYNC_FILE_RANGE_WRITEforevery8writes.Alsoseethesync_file_range(2)manpage.ThisoptionisLinuxspecific.overwrite=boolIftrue,writestoafilewillalwaysoverwriteexistingdata.Ifthefiledoesn't already exist, it will be created before the write phase begins. If the file exists and is large enough for the specified write phase, nothing will be done. end_fsync=bool If true, fsync file contents when a write stage has completed. fsync_on_close=bool If true, fio will fsync() a dirty file on close. This differs from end_fsync in that it will happen on every file close, not just at the end of the job. rwmixread=int How large a percentage of the mix should be reads. rwmixwrite=int How large a percentage of the mix should be writes. If both rwmixread and rwmixwrite is given and the values do not add up to 100%, the latter of the two will be used to override the first. This may interfere with a given rate setting, if fio is asked to limit reads or writes to a certain rate. If that is the case, then the distribution may be skewed. random_distribution=str:float By default, fio will use a completely uniform random distribution when asked to perform random IO. Sometimes it is useful to skew the distribution in specific ways, ensuring that some parts of the data is more hot than others. fio includes the following distribution models: random Uniform random distribution zipf Zipf distribution pareto Pareto distribution When using a zipf or pareto distribution, an input value is also needed to define the access pattern. For zipf, this is the zipf theta. For pareto, it'stheparetopower.Fioincludesatestprogram,genzipf,thatcanbeusedvi
