因此,当我通过操作系统或关闭按钮关闭计算机时,它会重新启动,这发生在我安装了xubuntu之后,我已经尝试过改变bios,但它没有工作,所以它可能是操作系统。还显示了当我关闭或打开计算机/ dev / sda5时,清理是正常的
ent o quando eu desligo o computador pelo sistema operacional ou pelo bot o de desligar ele reinicia,isso aconteceu depois que bios o xubuntu,eu játentei mexer na bios mas n o deu certo,
通常,当我用VIM编写完提交消息时,我输入:Wq<ENTER>而不是:wq<ENTER>,因为我按住shift键键入冒号。这导致VIM使用E492: Not an editor command: Wq进行响应。$ git commit
$ error: There was a problem with the editor 'vi&
有没有办法从azure ml连接到URL并获取它的内容import requests b= requests.get("http://www.google.com",timeout=30) return dataframe1错误:
Error 0085: The following error occurred during script e