我是新来的。我的问题是,我有一个数组$hometeamid,它包含需要显示详细信息的所有id。我怎样才能得到数据。快来人帮帮我$mod = Yii::app()->db->createCommand('SELECT * FROM event WHERE id = 1432201 or id = 1432208')->queryAll(); $mod = Event::model()->findByAttributes(array('id' => $no));<br>
When importing a file into Greenplum,one lines fails,and the whole file is not imported successfully.Is there a way can skip the wrong line and import other data into Greenplum successfully?
Here are my SQL execution and error messages: 使用分隔符',‘从'/gp_wkspace/outputs/base_tables/error_data_t