

现在成熟的前端团队里面都有自己的内部构建平台,我司云长便是我们 CI/CD 的提效利器。我先来简单介绍下我司的云长,此云长非彼云长,云长主要做的是:获取部署的项目,分支,环境基本信息后开始拉取代码,安装依赖,打包,并且将项目的一些资源静态文件上传 CDN,再将生成的代码再打包成镜像文件,然后将这份镜像上传到镜像仓库后,最后调用 K8S 的镜像部署服务,进行镜像按环境的部署,这就是我们云长做的事情。如果想从零开始搭建一个自己团队的部署平台可以看下我们往期文章 如何搭建适合自己团队的构建部署平台,本期我们只是针对云长中静态资源本地化的功能做细致阐述。


Import Kafka data into OSS using E-MapReduce service

Overview Kafka is a frequently-used message queue in open-source communities. Although Kafka (Confluent) officially provides plug-ins to import data directly from Kafka to HDFS's connector, Alibaba Cloud provides no official support for the file storage system OSS. This article will give a simple example to implement data writes from Kafka to Alibaba Cloud OSS. Because Alibaba Cloud E-MapReduce service integrates a large number of open-source components and docking tools for Alibaba Cloud, in this article, the example is directly run in the E-MapReduce cluster. This example uses the open-source Flume tool as a transit to connect Kafka and OSS. Flume open-source components may also appear on the E-MapReduce platform in the future. Scenario example Next we will name a simple example. If you already have an online Kafka cluster, you can directly jump to Step 4. 1. In the Kafka Home directory, start the Kafka service process. Configure the Zookeeper address in the configuration file to the service address emr-header-1:2181 bin/kafka-server-start.sh config/server.properties 2. Create a Kafka topic with a name of test bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --zookeeper emr-header-1:2181 \ --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic test 3. Write data to Kafka test topic and the data content is the performance monitoring data of the local machine vmstat 1 | bin/kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic test 4. Configure and start the Flume service in the Flume Home directory Create a new configuration file: conf/kafka-example.conf. In specific, specify the source as the corresponding topic for Kafka, and use sink as the HDFS Sinker. Specify the path as the OSS path. Because the E-MapReduce service implements an efficient OSS FileSystem (compatible with Hadoop FileSystem) for us, the OSS path can be specified directly, and the HDFS Sinker data will be automatically written to OSS. # Name the components on this agent a1.sources = source1 a1.sinks = oss1 a1.channels = c1 # Describe/configure
