share files" #Volume Label: "/dev/sda" #permissions: Read Only;Visible;Permit Guest Access #Shared Printers...共享打印机 #Printers to share: "All" #Description: "All Printers" #permissions: Visible;Permit Guest Access...= /shares comment = share files volume = /dev/sda read only = yes guest ok = yes [printers...] print ok = yes printing = cups path = /var/spool/samba comment = All Printers guest
Luckily, the cli-runtime library has a bunch of (pretty-)printers that can be used to dump Kubernetes...(scheme.Scheme).ToPrinter(&printers.YAMLPrinter{}) if err := printr.PrintObj(obj, os.Stdout); err...(scheme.Scheme).ToPrinter(&printers.JSONPrinter{}) if err := printr.PrintObj(obj, os.Stdout); err...(scheme.Scheme).ToPrinter(printers.NewTablePrinter(printers.PrintOptions{})) if err := printr.PrintObj...(scheme.Scheme).ToPrinter(&printers.NamePrinter{}) if err := printr.PrintObj(obj, os.Stdout); err
首页 电脑 printers....when('/',{template:'这是首页页面'}) .when('/computers',{template:'这是电脑分类页面'}) .when('/printers...首页 电脑 printers...首页 电脑 printers...",{ url: "/printers", templateUrl
share files" #Volume Label: "/dev/sda" #permissions: Read Only;Visible;Permit Guest Access #Shared Printers...共享打印机 #Printers to share: "All" #Description: "All Printers" #permissions: Visible;Permit Guest Access...Share 1] path = /shares comment = share files volume = /dev/sda read only = yes guest ok = yes [printers...] print ok = yes printing = cups path = /var/spool/samba comment = All Printers guest ok = yes EOF
在我们场景,使用方式如下: gdb -p pid source /home/light/rust-master/src/etc/ 此时没有报错...这里可以直接修改 第一步:下载源码 第二步:修改脚本,去掉current_objfile(),此时gdb_load_rust_pretty_printers.py文件变为下面这个样子。...import gdb import gdb_lookup gdb_lookup.register_printers(gdb) 第三步:环境配置 将刚才的etc目录设置到python path中。.../src/etc 第四步:畅享rust-gdb 此时gdb -p pid,source /home/gpadmin/rust-master/src/etc/
从gdb v6提供了这个pretty-printers文件,最后修改时间是2011年,,所以centos7自带的那个gdb 48理论上应该是支持,但是这里我在用的时候发现没有打印。...image.png 所以这里我们需要找到系统的printers.py的路径,并使用source加载它。在centos7找到了printers.py所在位置。...⋊> /d/r/l/ws locate /usr/local/share/gcc-6.3.0/python/libstdcxx/v6/ 然后在不能打印机器的
); printers.addBinding().to(ComplexHelloPrinter.class); } } @Singleton public class Sample { @...Inject private Set printers; public void hello() { for (IHelloPrinter printer : printers...= MapBinder.newMapBinder(binder(), String.class, IHelloPrinter.class); printers.addBinding("simple...").to(SimpleHelloPrinter.class); printers.addBinding("complex").to(ComplexHelloPrinter.class); }...void hello() { for (String name : printers.keySet()) { printers.get(name).print(); } } public
可以在Printers单元中通过调用Printer函数来获得一个TPrinter 对象。为了决定如何显示窗体的打印图像,可以使用Tform组件的PrintScale属性。 ...---- Printerlndex 在Printers属性中列出的是当前打印机 指定在Printers属性中列出的打印机是当前打印机。...在 Printers 属性中列出了安装的打印机。当前打印机支持的字体列表在Fonts属性中。...---- Printers 列出所有在Windows中安装的打印机 列出所有在Windows中安装的打印机。...__property Classes : : TStrings * Printers = {read =GePrinters } ; 在Printers属性中列出了所有在
假设我们创建了一个名为 的目录C:\spooldir\,并将其设置SpoolDirectory为C:\spooldir\printers\....后台处理程序将检查用户是否可以printers在C:\spooldir\. 验证通过,SpoolDirectory设置为C:\spooldir\printers\....\C:\Windows\System32\spool\drivers\x64\printers\。检查是通过剥离规范路径的前四个字节来完成的,即\\?...\C:\Windows\System32\spool\drivers\x64\ printers\成为C:\Windows\System32\spool\drivers\x64\ printers\,然后检查路径是否以打印机驱动程序目录开头...\UNC\localhost\C$\Windows\System32\spool\drivers\x64\printers\将创建具有可写权限的目录。
First, printers of that period were almost always impact printers....This made the printers much like high-speed typewriters....Many printers today still accept character-based streams, but many low-cost printers do not....There are still some PostScript printers, too....If no printers are specified, all printers are shown. -r Display the status of the print server.
0755 directory mask = 0755 printing = cups printcap name = cups load printers...valid users = %S, %D%w%S browseable = No read only = No inherit acls = Yes [printers...] comment = All Printers path = /var/tmp printable = Yes create mask
charset=UTF8 #使用UTF8字符集 max connections=0 #指定链接限制 guest account=nobody #匿名用户账号为nobody load printers...browseable = no #目录是否可被浏览 writable = no #目录是否可写 valid users = %S valid users = MYDOMAIN\%S [printers...] #打印机共享 comment = All Printers path = /var/spool/samba #打印机共享池 browseable = no guest ok = no
passdb backend = tdbsam printing = cups printcap name = cups load printers...valid users = %S, %D%w%S # browseable = No # read only = No # inherit acls = Yes #[printers...] # comment = All Printers # path = /var/tmp # printable = Yes # create mask
workgroup = SAMBA security = user passdb backend = tdbsam printing = cups printcap name = cups load printers...= Home Directories valid users = %S, %D%w%S browseable = No read only = No inherit acls = Yes [printers...] comment = All Printers path = /var/tmp printable = Yes create mask = 0600 browseable = No [print
= tdbsam # --------------------------- Printing Options ----------------------------- load printers...是否启用打印机功能,默认为yes cups options = raw ; printcap name = /etc/printcap #obtain list of printers...默认/home/sambauser)下新建 目录的默认权限为0775(0为acl权限) [printers...] 打印功能共享目录 comment = All Printers path = /var/spool/samba allow,deny --> 在下面一行增加Allow all更改后重启服务:sudo systemctl restart cups其后进入 ip:631 可以在 Printers...选项卡中得到打印机的服务位置.在这次示例中, 为:使用指南Windows 设置...yes , 然后按提示输入密码.然后, 已经安装打印机驱动的情况下, 直接打开http://网页, 输入本机帐号密码, 然后点击 Administration - Printers
passdb backend = tdbsam printing = cups printcap name = cups load printers...users = %S, %D%w%S browseable = No read only = No inherit acls = Yes [printers...] comment = All Printers path = /var/tmp printable = Yes create
= cups //设置Samba共享打印机的类型 printcap name = cups //设置共享打印机的配置文件 load printers...允许访问该共享的用户 browseable = No //指定共享信息是否可见 read only = No inherit acls = Yes [printers...rlimit_max (1024) to minimum Windows limit (16384) Processing section "[homes]" Processing section "[printers...comment = Home Directories browseable = No inherit acls = Yes read only = No valid users = %S %D%w%S [printers...] comment = All Printers path = /var/tmp browseable = No printable = Yes create mask = 0600 [print
/printers">打印机 <a href="#!...('/',{template:'这是首页页面'}) .when('/computers',{template:'这是电脑分类页面'}) .when('/printers....when('/',{template:'这是首页页面'}) .when('/computers',{template:'这是电脑分类页面'}) .when('/printers
passdb backend = tdbsam printing = cups printcap name = cups load printers...valid users = %S, %D%w%S browseable = No read only = No inherit acls = Yes [printers...] comment = All Printers path = /home/database #重点修改这里就可以了 printable = Yes
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