saturate_cast函数在OpenCV中的作用是防数据溢出,我们在直接操作像素点的时候,如果数值结果是赋值或者超过了255的话,在图片中是没办法显示的,这就是防数据溢出的作用,那么什么时候会有数据溢出的风险呢...image_x+sub_x) = (uchar)pix_value; //,image_x+sub_x) = saturate_cast...=(int)saturate_cast((int)pix_value)) { //cout<<"没有防溢出"<<(int)pix_value...<<endl; //coutsaturate_cast((int)pix_value)<<endl;
drop-shadow():在图像后方应用投影 grayscale():将图像转为灰度图 hue-rotate():改变图像的整体色调 invert():反转图像颜色 opacity():改变图像透明度 saturate...filter: grayscale(50%); filter: hue-rotate(90deg); filter: invert(75%); filter: opacity(25%); filter: saturate...下面是对一组按钮菜单栏添加 brightness 和 saturate 两个方法,通过改变亮度和饱和度来高亮元素。...">Saturate saturate" name="saturate" type="range" min="0" max="500" value="100...= $("#saturate").val(); // saturate var sepia = $("#sepia").val(); // sepia $("#imageContainer
先从波形开始,这里参照了这位大佬的文章: 下面开始填色,这里先叠了个双层菲涅尔: //双层菲涅尔 fixed fresnel = saturate...0.05 : 0.4; half facing = saturate(dot(viewDir, normal)); facing = facing < 0.5 ?...OceanColorDeep, facing); fixed3 oceanDiffuse = oceanColor * _LightColor0.rgb; fixed diffuseControl = saturate...bubbles); 感觉平静一点的水面才看得比较明显 下面水浅处加一些带有渐变的折射,这里用到了上面算过的深度差 float linearShore = smoothstep( 0.1, 0.65, saturate...); 折射也是从GrabPass拿的: //折射 fixed4 fra = tex2D( _ScreenTex, (i.screenUV.xy + _FracIntensity * (saturate
目前来说,我知道的是webkit可以较好的支持 下面来看看各种效果: 有以下几种效果可以使用 grayscale brightness hue-rotate invert opacity contrast saturate.../* saturate 饱和度 说明:saturat改变图片的饱和度 默认值:100%; 值越小饱和度越小 */ .saturate{ -webkit-filter:saturate...--饱和度--> saturate" src="../IGM/bg.jpg" width="850" height="500"> 效果: ?
ambientCol =fixed4((ambient * _AOColor).rgb,ambient*0.5); fixed diffuse =lerp(0,1,saturate...再根据AO贴图给草坪加上AO: fixed ambient = saturate((tex2D(_AOTex,i.uv.xy*5).r + tex2D(_AOTex,i.uv.xy*5).g +...ambientCol * ambientCol.a; 加上简单的光照: fixed shadow = SHADOW_ATTENUATION(i); fixed diffuse = saturate...(saturate(dot(worldNormal, worldLight)) * shadow); fixed4 diffuseCol = fixed4((diffuse * _LightColor0...diffuse*pow(1.5,FURSTEP+3)); col *= diffuseCol; 现在有影子了: 再加上一个简单的specular: fixed specular = pow(saturate
x); float2 saturate(float2 x); float3 saturate(float3 x); float4 saturate(float4 x); half...saturate(half x); half1 saturate(half1 x); half2 saturate(half2 x); half3 saturate(half3 x)...; half4 saturate(half4 x); fixed saturate(fixed x); fixed1 saturate(fixed1 x); fixed2 saturate...saturate(half x); half1 saturate(half1 x); half2 saturate(half2 x); half3 saturate(half3 x)...; half4 saturate(half4 x); fixed saturate(fixed x); fixed1 saturate(fixed1 x); fixed2 saturate
drop-shadow():在图像后方应用投影 grayscale():将图像转为灰度图 hue-rotate():改变图像的整体色调 invert():反转图像颜色 opacity():改变图像透明度 saturate...filter: grayscale(50%); filter: hue-rotate(90deg); filter: invert(75%); filter: opacity(25%); filter: saturate...下面是对一组按钮菜单栏添加 brightness 和 saturate 两个方法,通过改变亮度和饱和度来高亮元素。 ?...">Saturate saturate" name="saturate" type="range" min="0" max="500" value="100...= $("#saturate").val(); // saturate var sepia = $("#sepia").val(); // sepia $("#imageContainer
lightdir = normalize(position - lightpos); float3 dis = distance(position, lightpos); float disatt = saturate...(1 / ( lightatt.x + lightatt.y * dis + lightatt.z * dis * dis )); float angleatt = saturate(-lightdir...* normal); float3 reflectdir = normalize(reflect(lightdir, normal)); float specularatt = pow(saturate
) | brightness() | contrast() | drop-shadow() | grayscale() | hue-rotate() | invert() | opacity() | saturate...image-grayscale] img { filter: grayscale(50%); -webkit-filter:grayscale(50%); /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */ } saturate...[图片.png] //(值为0-1之间的小数) saturate"> saturate </div...饱和度画面中色彩的鲜艳程度与层次; [data-filter=image-saturate] img { filter: saturate(360%); -webkit-filter:saturate...contrast(30); animation: move 2s infinite 0.2s linear; scss滤镜样式 $filters: ( grayscale: '(50%)',//灰阶 saturate
支持的效果有: blur 模糊 brightness 亮度 contrast 对比度 drop-shadow 阴影 grayscale 灰度 opacity 透明度 sepia 褐色 invert 反色 saturate...invert 反色 -webkit-filter: invert(100%); hue-rotate 色相旋转 -webkit-filter:hue-rotate(180deg); saturate...饱和度 -webkit-filter: saturate(1000%); ----
参数语法 现在规范中支持的效果有: 参数 描述 取值 grayscale 灰度 值为0-1之间的小数 sepia 褐色 值为0-1之间的小数 saturate 饱和度 值为num hue-rotate...饱和度filter:saturate(7.9); ? 色相旋转filter:hue-rotate(260deg); ? 反色filter:invert(0.9); ?...上面的效果代码: filter:saturate(1.9) contrast(.6) hue-rotate(320deg);
worldLightDir = normalize(_WorldSpaceLightPos0); fixed3 diffuse = _LightColor0.rgb*_Diffuse.rgb*saturate...(_Object2World,v.vertex).xyz); fixed3 specular = _LightColor0.rgb*_Specular.rgb*pow(saturate...worldLightDir = normalize(_WorldSpaceLightPos0); fixed3 diffuse = _LightColor0.rgb*_Diffuse.rgb* -; fixed3 specular = _LightColor0.rgb*_Specular.rgb*pow(saturate...halfDir = normalize(worldLightDir + viewDir); fixed3 specular = _LightColor0.rgb*_Specular.rgb*pow(saturate
filter: grayscale(100%) brightness(120%) invert(100%); } html.color-ink-screen { -webkit-filter: saturate...(60%) contrast(160%); -moz-filter: saturate(100%) contrast(160%); -ms-filter: saturate(60%) contrast...(160%); -o-filter: saturate(60%) contrast(160%); filter: saturate(60%) contrast(160%); }
animation:changeSepia 3s infinite alternate;} /*饱和度效果*/ @keyframes changeSaturate{ from{-webkit-filter:saturate...(100%);} to{-webkit-filter:saturate(0%);} } .filter_saturate{animation:changeSaturate 3s infinite alternate
float ZInfluenceFactor = 0.001; float4 DeltaZ = ZInfluenceFactor * abs(SceneZ - SkyZ); float4 Weights = saturate.../ is actually needed, based on the sign of the uv_bias vector // float2 uv_topleft = lerp( uv, 0.0, saturate.../ Bias toward top-left corner (works if uv_bias is negative) float2 uv_bottomright = lerp( uv, 1.0, saturate...uv_bias) ); // Bias toward bottom-right corner (works if uv_bias is positive) float2 ChooseDirection = saturate
) | brightness() | contrast() | drop-shadow() | grayscale() | hue-rotate() | invert() | opacity() | saturate...saturate(%) 转换图像饱和度。值定义转换的比例。值为0%则是完全不饱和,值为100%则图像无变化。其他值,则是效果的线性乘子。超过100%的值是允许的,则有更高的饱和度。...函数实例 转换图像饱和度: img { -webkit-filter: saturate(800%); /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */ filter: saturate...{-webkit-filter: saturate(7); filter: saturate(7);} .sepia {-webkit-filter: sepia(100%);filter: sepia...下面这组照片墙,我们通过sepia滤镜将图像基调转换为深褐色,再通过降低 饱和度 saturate 和 色相旋转 hue-rotate 微调,模拟老照片的效果。
normalMap, Input.Texcoord0).xyz * 2.0f) - 1.0f ); normal.y = -normal.y; float3 dp; dp.x = saturate...(dot(normal, bumpBasis[0])); dp.y = saturate(dot(normal, bumpBasis[1])); dp.z = saturate(dot
OutputArray dst, //输出混合图像 int dtype = -1); //注:src1和src2的大小和类型必须一致 //公式:dst(I) = saturate...(src1(I)*alpha + src2(I)*beta + gamma) saturate用于确保像素值范围为0~255
img { -webkit-filter: opacity(25%); /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */ filter: opacity(25%); } 饱和度(saturate...)/* 调整饱和度 */ saturate()函数调整图像饱和度。...img { -webkit-filter: saturate(30%); /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */ filter: saturate(30%); } 色阶(
saturate_cast(-100),返回 0。...saturate_cast(288),返回255 saturate_cast(100),返回100 这个函数的功能是确保RGB值得范围在0~255之间 c++ #include(alpha*b + beta);, col)[1] = saturate_cast(alpha*g + beta);, col)[2] = saturate_cast(alpha*r + beta); } else if(src1.channels()...==1) {, col) = saturate_cast(alpha*, col)+ beta)
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