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安装:pip install Paramiko paramiko是用python语言写的一个模块,遵循SSH2协议,支持以加密和认证的方式,进行远程服务器的连接。 使用paramiko可以很好的解决以下问题: 需要使用windows客户端, 远程连接到Linux服务器,查看上面的日志状态,批量配置远程服务器,文件上传,文件下载等 "paramiko" is a combination of the esperanto words for "paranoid" and "friend".  it's a module for python 2.5+ that implements the SSH2 protocol for secure (encrypted and authenticated) connections to remote machines. unlike SSL (aka TLS), SSH2 protocol does not require hierarchical certificates signed by a powerful central authority. you may know SSH2 as the protocol that replaced telnet and rsh for secure access to remote shells, but the protocol also includes the ability to open arbitrary channels to remote services across the encrypted tunnel (this is how sftp works, for example). it is written entirely in python (no C or platform-dependent code) and is released under the GNU LGPL (lesser GPL). the package and its API is fairly well documented in the "doc/" folder that should have come with this archive. Requirements ------------  - python 2.5 or better <http://www.python.org/>  - pycrypto 2.1 or better <https://www.dlitz.net/software/pycrypto/> If you have setuptools, you can build and install paramiko and all its dependencies with this command (as root)::    easy_install ./ Portability ----------- i code and test this library on Linux and MacOS X. for that reason, i'm pretty sure that it works for all posix platforms, including MacOS. it should also work on Windows, though i don't test it as frequently there. if you run into Windows problems, send me a patch: portability is important to me. some python distributions don't include the utf-8 string encodings, for reasons of space (misdirected as that is). if your distribution is missing encodings, you'll see an error like this::    LookupError: no codec search functions registered: can't find encoding this means you need to copy string encodings over from a working system. (it probably only happens on embedded systems, not normal python installs.) Valeriy Pogrebitskiy says th

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    8.0 Trace file format --------------------- There are two trace file format that you can encounter. The older (v1) format is unsupported since version 1.20-rc3 (March 2008). It will still be described below in case that you get an old trace and want to understand it. In any case the trace is a simple text file with a single action per line. 8.1 Trace file format v1 ------------------------ Each line represents a single io action in the following format: rw, offset, length where rw=0/1 for read/write, and the offset and length entries being in bytes. This format is not supported in Fio versions => 1.20-rc3. 8.2 Trace file format v2 ------------------------ The second version of the trace file format was added in Fio version 1.17. It allows to access more then one file per trace and has a bigger set of possible file actions. The first line of the trace file has to be: fio version 2 iolog Following this can be lines in two different formats, which are described below. The file management format: filename action The filename is given as an absolute path. The action can be one of these: add Add the given filename to the trace open Open the file with the given filename. The filename has to have been added with the add action before. close Close the file with the given filename. The file has to have been opened before. The file io action format: filename action offset length The filename is given as an absolute path, and has to have been added and opened before it can be used with this format. The offset and length are given in bytes. The action can be one of these: wait Wait for 'offset' microseconds. Everything below 100 is discarded. The time is relative to the previous wait statement. read Read 'length' bytes beginning from 'offset' write Write 'length' bytes beginning from 'offset' sync fsync() the file datasync fdatasync() the file trim trim the given file from the given 'offset' for 'length' bytes 9.0 CPU id
