我有一个返回一个链接if user_signed_in?的助手方法。我使用的是Design2.2.8、Rails 3.2.2和Rspec 3.4.0。application_helper.rb if user_signed_in?in returns a link to Restricted Area undefined method `user_signed_
A1 = X * B;
const i_t C = A1 / B; // signedOtherwise, if the unsigned operand's conversion rank is greater or equal to the conversion rank of the signedoperand, t
| 2013-01--05 |count(date) like 4,24,etc_ | count(date) like 4,24,etc_SELECT WEEK(signed_date) AS week_name, signed_date AS Week_Starting,FROMbusiness
WHERE YEAR(signed_date) = YEAR(CURDATE()