)){ $sqlwhere = ' and '.implode(' and ', $sqlwhere); } //数据库操作 if($debug === 0){ if($mode...=== 2){ $this->query("select count(tbid) from $table where 1=1 $sqlwhere"); $return = $this-..."; } else{ echo "select $fields from $table where 1=1 $sqlwhere order by $orderby"; }...)){ $sqlwhere = ' and '.implode(' and ', $sqlwhere); } //数据库操作 if($debug === 0){ if($mode...=""){ //参数处理 if(is_array($sqlwhere)){ $sqlwhere = ' and '.implode(' and ', $sqlwhere); } /
修改条件,允许为空 */ function hrUpdate($debug,$execrow,$table,$set,$sqlwhere=""){ global$...pdo; if($debug){ echo"update $table set $set where 1=1 $sqlwhere"; exit...; }elseif($execrow){ return$pdo->exec("update $table set $set where 1=1 $sqlwhere...删除条件,允许为空 */ function hrDelete($debug,$execrow,$table,$sqlwhere=""){ global$pdo;...{ $pdo->query("delete from $table where 1=1 $sqlwhere"); } } ?
一个通用的泛型接口: public interface IBaseService where T :class { List GetEntities(string sqlWhere...) { string sql = string.Format("select * from commodity where 1=1 {0}",sqlWhere);...= string.Format(" and id={0}",id); List list = GetEntities(sqlWhere...string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(orderNumber)) { sqlWhere += string.Format(" and...bool DeleteOrderID(int id) { string sqlWhere = string.Format(" and id={0}", id);
order by $orderby"; }elseif($mode == 1){ echo "select $fields from $table where 1=1 $sqlwhere..."; }else{ echo "select $fields from $table where 1=1 $sqlwhere order by $orderby"; } exit...; }else{ if($mode == 2){ $rs = $pdo->query("select count(*) from $table where 1=1 $sqlwhere...= $pdo->exec("update $table set $set where 1=1 $sqlwhere"); }else{ $pdo->query("update $table...where 1=1 $sqlwhere"); exit; } return $return; } } ?
支持多字段) @sqlWhere nvarchar(MAX) = Null,--条件语句(不用加where) @pageSize int, --每页多少条记录...='' or @sqlWhere=NULL) set @sql = 'select @totalRecord = count(*) from ' + @TableName else set @sql...= 'select @totalRecord = count(*) from ' + @TableName + ' where ' + @sqlWhere EXEC sp_executesql...='' or @sqlWhere=NULL) set @sql = 'Select * FROM (select ROW_NUMBER() Over(order by ' + @OrderField...支持多字段) @sqlWhere nvarchar(MAX) = Null,--条件语句(不用加where) @pageSize int, --每页多少条记录
);//删除 bool updateData(QString dbName,QString tableName,QHash data,QString sqlWhere...=""); //获取数据 bool getData(QString table,QList> &data,QString sqlWhere="");...sqlWhere.isEmpty()) queryStr+=" "+sqlWhere; if(!...sqlWhere.isEmpty()) queryStr+=" "+sqlWhere; if(!...sqlWhere.isEmpty()) queryStr+=" "+sqlWhere; if(!
where, $set) { //处理设置语句 $sqlset = $this->_doset($set); //处理条件语句 $sqlwhere...{$table}` {$sqlset} {$sqlwhere}"); } peupdate会将参数抛向sqlupdate,继续跟进一下, public function sql_update($...这里依旧采取了一个语句的拼接 然后sqlwhere进入peselectall方法 ?...pe_selectall($table, $where = '', $field = '*', $limit_page = array()) { //处理条件语句 $sqlwhere...{$table}` {$sqlwhere}", $limit_page); } 看到此方法依然没有对语句的过滤处理就直接执行。 回到后台页面,进入订单页面。 ?
/ 表名 /// (要查询的)字段列表 /// sqlWhere...param> /// public DataSet QueryOracle(string tableName, string fields, string sqlWhere...pageSize, int pageIndex, out int recordCount, out int pageCount) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sqlWhere...)) { sqlWhere = "1=1"; } DataSet ds = null; EnLib.Database _db = null; ...select {0} from {1} where {2} order by {3})) where RecordID between {4} and {5}", fields, tableName, sqlWhere
projectName, string customerName, string contract, string tel) { StringBuilder sqlWhere...string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(projectName)) { sqlWhere.AppendLine(" and projectName...string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(contract)) { sqlWhere.AppendLine(" and Contact...string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(customerName)) { sqlWhere.AppendLine(" and customer...string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tel)) { sqlWhere.AppendLine(" and tel like @tel
Variant srcArr = rngsrc.Value Dim i As Long, j As Long Dim sqlcmd As String ReDim sqlwhere...DB_Info.ActiveTable.Fields(colUpdate(j) - 1).sType) Next For j = 0 To UBound(colswhere) sqlwhere..."update " & DB_Info.ActiveTable.SName & " set " & VBA.Join(updatefield, ",") & " where " & VBA.Join(sqlwhere
parameter.pageSize), totalPage: 0, totalRows: 0, rows: [], }; // 返回条数 let SQLwhere...= undefined) { SQLwhere.name = parameter.name; } result.rows = await this.UserRepository.find...({ where: SQLwhere, order: { id: 'DESC', }, skip: (parameter.pageNo -
GetAllEntitiesBySqlWhere(""); } public IList GetAllEntitiesBySqlWhere(string sqlWhere...) { string sql = string.Format("select * from Customer Where 1=1 {0}",sqlWhere)...> 0; } public Model.Customer GetEntityByID(object id) { string sqlWhere...id); int CID = (int)id; List list = GetAllEntitiesBySqlWhere(sqlWhere
SQL语句: public function pe_select($table, $where = '', $field = '*') { //处理条件语句 $sqlwhere...{$table}` {$sqlwhere} limit 1"); } 执行时无任何过滤,导致了order_id成为可控参数,因而出现了SQL漏洞,且经过SQL拼接语句的判断,可以确定其为联合注入漏洞
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "OrderField", DbType.String, "F_Id"); db.AddInParameter(cmd, "sqlWhere
.”); } return dialect; } 開發者ID:Caratacus,項目名稱:mybatis-plus-mini,代碼行數:33, 示例2: sqlWhere 點讚 3 import...com.baomidou.mybatisplus.toolkit.StringUtils; //導入方法依賴的package包/類 /** * * SQL 查詢條件 * */ protected String sqlWhere...configuration.xml is not defined.”); } return dialect; } 開發者ID:baomidou,項目名稱:mybatis-plus,代碼行數:31, 示例8: sqlWhere...com.baomidou.mybatisplus.toolkit.StringUtils; //導入方法依賴的package包/類 /** * * SQL 查詢條件 * */ protected String sqlWhere
ChainsReleaseForm.aspx]]> T_ChainsReleaseForm SQlWhere
$uids=substr($uids,0,-1) : $sqlwhere.=' AND 0 '; ...........$query = $db->query("SELECT DISTINCT t.tid FROM $sqltable WHERE $sqlwhere $orderby $limit"); 漏洞审计策略 PHP
/2.aspx id=1; begin declare @ret varchar(8000) set @ret='' select @ret=@ret '~' tmp1 from r3dm0v3_sqlwhere
selection:一个过滤器,声明要返回的行,格式化为SQLWHERE子句(不包括WHERE本身)。传递NULL将返回给定表的所有行。 selectionArgs:您可以在选择中包括?
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