Some examples: Notification of a new chat message should be stamped when the message was received....Notification of an ongoing file download (with a progress bar, for example) should be stamped when the...Notification of a completed file download should be stamped when the download finished....Notification of an upcoming meeting should be stamped with the time the meeting will begin (that is,...Notification of an ongoing countdown timer should be stamped with the timer’s end time.
private StampedLock lock = new StampedLock(); public void put(Long value) { long stamped...(Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); }finally { lock.unlockWrite(stamped...); // 释放写锁 } } public void get() { long stamped = -1; // 设置标记位 try...{ stamped = lock.readLock(); // 获取读锁 -->这里是悲观锁实现 --> stamped重新赋值标记位 System.out.println...lock.validate(stamped)){ try { stamped = lock.readLock();
Some examples: Notification of a new chat message should be stamped when the message was received....Notification of a completed file download should be stamped when the download finished....Notification of an upcoming meeting should be stamped with the time the meeting will begin (that is,...Notification of an ongoing stopwatch (increasing timer) should be stamped with the watch’s start time...Notification of an ongoing countdown timer should be stamped with the timer’s end time.
Map MAP = new HashMap(); //创建一个印戳锁 final static StampedLock STAMPED_LOCK...StampedLock(); //对共享数据的写操作 public static Object put(String key, String value){ long stamp = STAMPED_LOCK.writeLock...Print.tco(getNowTime() + "LOCK进入过写模式,只能悲观读"); //进入了写锁模式,只能获取悲观读锁 long stamp = STAMPED_LOCK.readLock...return value; } finally{ Print.tco(getNowTime() + " 释放了READ_LOCK"); STAMPED_LOCK.unlockRead...STAMPED_LOCK.validate(stamp)){ //乐观读的印戳值无效,表明写锁被占用过 Print.tco(getNowTime() +
在下面的代码中我会进行注释,如遇到关键点我会标明序号,到代码下面找到对应序号查看#include "ros/ros.h"// webots_ros的一些数据服务1 #include Stamped.h...Generate messages in the 'msg' folder add_message_files( FILES BoolStamped.msg Float64Stamped.msg...Int32Stamped.msg Int8Stamped.msg RadarTarget.msg RecognitionObject.msg StringStamped.msg...ros.h" #include #include #include Stamped.h...*************************************************/ void keyboardDataCallback(const webots_ros::Int32Stamped
案例: #include #include #include #include "geometry_msgs/msg/transform_stamped.hpp...functional> #include #include #include #include "geometry_msgs/msg/transform_stamped.hpp...chrono> #include #include #include #include "geometry_msgs/msg/transform_stamped.hpp
The Reference Elevation Model of Antarctica (REMA) is a high resolution, time-stamped Digital Surface
memory> #include "br2_tf2_detector/ObstacleMonitorNode.hpp" #include "geometry_msgs/msg/transform_stamped.hpp...ObstacleDetectorNode.hpp" #include "sensor_msgs/msg/laser_scan.hpp" #include "geometry_msgs/msg/transform_stamped.hpp
geometry_tutorials/turtle_tf2_cpp/src/static_turtle_tf2_broadcaster.cpp #include stamped.hpp...geometry_tutorials/turtle_tf2_cpp/src/turtle_tf2_broadcaster.cpp #include stamped.hpp...geometry_tutorials/turtle_tf2_cpp/src/turtle_tf2_listener.cpp #include stamped.hpp...#include stamped.hpp> #include #include (*tf2_buffer_); point_sub_.subscribe(this, "/turtle3/turtle_point_stamped
Using sensor messages with tf Using Stamped datatypes with tf::MessageFilterThis tutorial describes use tf::MessageFIlter to process Stamped datatypes.
end function getTransformStamped(objHandle,name,relTo,relToName) -- This function retrieves the stamped...end function getTransformStamped(objHandle,name,relTo,relToName) -- This function retrieves the stamped
它使用 exceptions.h 中的异常和 transform_datatypes.h 中的 Stamped 数据类型。
Integer> num = new AtomicStampedReference(1, 0); Integer i = num.getReference(); int stamped...= num.getStamp(); if (num.compareAndSet(i, i + 1, stamped, stamped + 1)) { System.out.println
Log sequence number in the ib_logfiles is 1086530931761, logsequence numbers stamped to ibdata file header
#include "ros/ros.h" #include Stamped.h> #include #include...keyboard_teleop' node."); ros::shutdown(); exit(0); } void keyboardCallback(const webots_ros::Int32Stamped
It is purpose-built to handle the massive volumes and countless sources of time-stamped data produced
镶嵌后REMA数据 The Reference Elevation Model of Antarctica (REMA) is a high resolution, time-stamped Digital
successful issues included a set of Buddhist banners printed on silk, a set of traditional sculptures die-stamped
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