Failed to install 'cordova-plugin-canvas': TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: Uh oh!The "path" argumentmust be of typestring.Receivedtype undefined at Object.j
TypeError [ERR\_INVALID\_ARG\_TYPE]: The "path" argumentmust be of typestring.Receivedtype undefined
3.Error: Could not install app: 'The "path" argumentmust be of type
The "path" argumentmust be of typestring.Received undefined
error Command failed with exit code 1.我认为错误来自于output.path,在开发中它默认是未定义的,我尝试将它设置为空字符串-或绝对路径,但它不会解决。
如果我转到firebase-debug.log,它会显示: TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "path" argumentmust be of typestringReceivedtype undefined 将Functions文件夹放在项目根目录下,它将正常部署。 这里缺少什么?
sign-android-release@v1 Preparing to sign key @ app/build/outputs/apk/dev/release with signing key Error: The "path" argumentmust be of typestring.Receivedtype undefined 我的工作流是这样配置的: name: Generate R