

李开复博士关于在人工智能的演讲中表达了他对AI人工智能的未来的看法,在演讲中他讲到了未来的人工智能对科技公司的影响以及对传统公司的改变,甚至会改变教育、社会... ...



Thank you very much professor Chen.

Professor Chen is one of my most respected colleagues in the industry.

and I'm pleased to see that he's going to spend more time in the Greater China area.

A lot of you probably know me through Google

or my books or salivation ventures Chuang Xin Gong Chang

as our incubator for young entrepreneurs

but today actually I want to tell you what my real background

was which sometimes I omit.

I actually this is my application to graduate school.

I was an undergraduate at Columbia,

and I wanted to attend and get a PhD in computer science.

and this is what I wrote.

This is the the actual application I sent to a number of universities

that ended up going to Carnegie Mellon.

This was back in 1983

when I thought really

the final frontier will be to understand how our brain works.

and if the computer could become our brain,

be connected to our brain

we understand how the human thinking works.

This is the final frontier that we could conquer.

Little did I know that

this field would end up becoming so hot so quickly,

even though it's 30-some years later.

and that my original aspiration would become completely different.

So later I will tell you what actually happened with me and with AI.

and why we're all in in artificial intelligence in salivation ventures.

When you come and visit us in Chuang Xin Gong Chang,

there are no more incubator companies.

We do not do angel investments anymore.

So I talked about, you know, with any of my friends

how are you going to talk about how to start a new company.

I think there's a much greater thing that all of us have to understand and capture and use

because it's just like the Internet,

I think early days and Andy Grove said,

any company that doesn't understand the Internet

is going to be perished because of it

and it has everyone has to embrace it

and I think AI is something much bigger than even internet.

So something everyone has to understand

it's a great investment opportunity for us.

and there's a it's going to impact not just technology companies.

It's going to change every traditional company,

change education, change society,

change the way government's think.

So it is something so big that we are no longer doing incubation

sound of ventures we haven't changed our name.

But we are completely into artificial intelligence.

and I want to tell you why.

and also you will learn that my original aspiration turned out to be a little naive

that AI today is not at all about taking the human brain or connecting to it.

and anyone who tells you so

is perhaps overly optimistic or overly naive.

and I would proceed to explain what AI is.

So actually before I went to Apple,

I actually did a lot of work,

involving computer gaming actually developed the first program.

I wrote the code myself that be the world champion,

not Go but Othello.

and I also wrote the first speech recognition system

that could understand speaker independent continuous speech.

So that was my work

before I went and became a technology executive and the venture capitalists.

But this is these are the memories that will always stay with me.

and I think the fundamental understanding of these technologies

makes us better off

in terms of investor and the company that we do.

So really this is the history of AI.

In the 50s, people said we're going to figure out how the brain works

and then we're going to solve it in ten years,

and then all the expectations got built up,

and then of course not did not deliver,

and people said you liar and then funding stopped.

and again right after my PhD thesis,

people said, Wow, AI is gonna change the world.

it's going to be not through expert systems

but through neuro networks

and then of course it also failed to deliver.

and now we're at even a higher level of expectation than ever.

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