













英文版:AMSLINE said that the Chinese market is very important. However, Chinese photolithography machines are like bullets fired from a gun barrel that cannot be stopped.

ASML stated that China is the largest chip market and therefore crucial, but its main purpose is not to praise the size of the Chinese market. Its primary goal is to slow down the development of Chinese photolithography machines. On the one hand, it signals the willingness to export lower-end photolithography machines to China to discourage Chinese companies from investing in this field. On the other hand, it is lobbying the US government to lift restrictions on exporting low-end photolithography machines to China.

Fear of losing the market

ASML has already witnessed the scale and progress of China's investment in photolithography machine research and development, which makes it fearful of losing its market share. Multiple Chinese-listed companies have invested in the research and development of photolithography machines. Moreover, the technologies involved in photolithography are being gradually conquered one by one, which has put pressure on ASML.

The first breakthrough for Chinese photolithography machines is likely to happen in low-end technology. When low-end photolithography machines are localized, this will signify that photolithography machine research and development can be self-sufficient and even profitable, paving the way for further development. ASML hopes to restrain the breakthrough of low-end photolithography machines in China with exports of its own low-end photolithography machines to China. Even if Chinese photolithography machines are produced, making domestically produced low-end photolithography machines unprofitable through pricing strategy can still prevent the development of China's photolithography machine industry from moving towards the high end.

In the field of manufacturing high-end equipment, there are many lessons learned from the West, such as shield tunneling machines. Once Chinese photolithography machines are successfully developed and reach self-sufficiency, the prices of photolithography machines worldwide may experience a significant decline, endangering the survival of the entire European and American photolithography machine industry chain. At that time, not only could Europe and the United States lose their photolithography machine manufacturing capabilities, but China could also become a monopoly country in the entire photolithography machine industry.

Chinese photolithography machine research and development, like a bullet that has been fired and cannot be stopped.

The West's suppression of China's chip development has made China feel a sense of security threat, for example, adding Chinese universities to the entity list to prevent Chinese students from studying abroad and returning to China. Prohibiting Chinese companies from using chip industry software, banning imports of high-end lithography machines, prohibiting US technology-using companies from producing chips for Huawei, etc., all pose a threat to China's economic security, which has led China to make a firm decision to develop lithography machines.

China has already invested a large amount of talent and capital in the research and development of lithography machines and has made some progress. Against the backdrop of accelerating development of China's chip industry, lithography machines are one of the key equipment required for manufacturing chips and is one of the most core and cutting-edge technology areas in the current global chip industry. In this context, Chinese companies cannot possibly abandon their investments and let their funds go to waste. Therefore, it is only a matter of time before China develops a lithography machine with independent intellectual property rights.

The West's attempt to suppress China's chip industry itself violates trade rules. Once China successfully produces its own lithography machines, protecting and subsidizing its domestic lithography machine industry chain will be an effective countermeasure. Ultimately, the West would only be shooting themselves in the foot.

China should remain sober-minded.

Similar to the setbacks experienced by the domestic aircraft project several years ago, China should make a firm determination and steadfastly promote the project in lithography technology development. Moreover, we have made certain progress. Chinese people deeply understand the strategic position of the chip industry and are also very aware of the importance of self-controlled lithography technology for the chip industry. Therefore, resources and support will continue to be injected into this field in an orderly manner.

Although innovation and breakthroughs in the technical field are complex and lengthy processes that require transcending technological barriers and industrial chain restrictions, China's tremendous efforts and unique development model have made it one of the most successful emerging countries in the world, successfully achieving many independent innovations and technological breakthroughs. In the field of lithography machines, some Chinese companies have already begun to develop their own branded lithography machines. We can expect to witness China's firm pursuit of technology and innovative attitude for a considerable period of time in the future.

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