
PRESS DIGEST-Canada-Feb 15

Feb 15 (Reuters) - The following are the top stories from selected Canadian newspapers. Reuters has not verified these stories and does not vouch for their accuracy. THE GLOBE AND MAIL ** Sun Life Assurance Co of Canada will become the first major insurance company to add medical marijuana to its group benefits plans for Canadian companies, a pivotal move in the insurance industry that will help ease the financial burden for medical-marijuana users, and a sign of the growing acceptance of cannabis in the Canadian workplace. (https://tgam.ca/2Bv6TDR) ** The Quebec government's economic advisory council is calling on the province to quintuple its investment in artificial intelligence to C$500 million ($400.48 million) over the next decade, warning its nascent power in machine learning will be at risk if it does not boost funding. (https://tgam.ca/2BsRrrX) ** Barrick Gold Corp (ABX.TO) is on track to lose its long-held crown as the world's largest gold producer after forecasting production for this year that will likely fall short of U.S. competitor Newmont Mining Corp (NEM.N) . (https://tgam.ca/2o2tTm6) NATIONAL POST ** Sears Canada creditors could be a step closer in their attempt to recoup some of the C$3 billion ($2.40 billion) in controversial dividends paid out to the company's shareholders - most notably, Sears Holdings Corp chief executive Edward Lampert - years prior to the defunct retailer's insolvency filing last June. (http://bit.ly/2BvuWm1) ** Canopy Growth Corp (WEED.TO) strengthened its lead in the cannabis market in the third quarter, more than doubling its year-over-year revenue in the three months leading to Dec 31. (http://bit.ly/2o2amm1) ($1 = C$1.25)

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