
Invest in your presentation skills

Invest in yourself

I have invested in myself and paid:

¥300 for a mornings workshop

$70 for an APP

$80 for the use of a SaaS service

$399 for a one-year online community membership

I have watched countless online training videos for learning new skills ranging fromunblocking a toilet, how to doadvanced animationand even how toswaddle a newborn baby.

These are all investments in education and tools which have paid off in so many ways.

We never stop learning, plus It has never been easier to learn. We have a classroom in our hands loaded with convenient digital tools and services so we can easily upgrade ourselves.

I’m a massive believer in learning and teaching, and after more than 25 talks and workshops along with 60 Wechat posts in 2017 I’m looking forward to engaging more people likeJoe Liuin 2018.

Joe contacted me recently via PM on Wechat after he completed my online course as he was preparing for an industry presentation.

Joe did a fantastic job;he connected all the dotsfromrecognizing his immediate challenge,finding a solution,learning a skillandgetting results.

Here is an overview of how we connected and the steps Joe went through.

1 -Recognisechallenge - an upcoming presentation which has to be good

2 -Neednew skills - go to an online platform and find a solution

3 -DiscoverMoI video course - watch three free chapters

4 -Investin the course - same price as 3 Starbucks

5 -Learnskills - from phone on the move

6 -Createa three beat mountain - use the skills from the content

7 -Writea draft presentation structure

8 -Askfor input and listen to feedback

9 -Revisecontent

10 -Developmaterial

11 -Practice, practice, practice

12 - Present &enjoy

All starting from a phone via Wechat and the study.163.com APP Joe was able to set a goal and reach a target.

The power of online learning combined with a real-world event.

I followed up a few weeks later via Wechat and the feedback was excellent, Joe's presentation experience was positive, and results were made.

Was this a heroic leap to glory ending with a massive firework display?

Photography by Yolanda Sun

Not for me to say but was it awiseinvestment?

Yes, I would say so.

A challenge canhauntus and cause anxiety,orwecan invest in solutionsand reach out of our comfort zones into new adventures and success.

If you commute on public transport, our online course can help you:

1 -Save time

2 -Share a clear message

3 -Get results

Check it out from this QCode link and watch three free chapters as a sample of the whole course.

I also think about it like this, how many Starbucks do you buy a week?

This online course costs less than three coffees intentionally.

This course is89RMB for 80 minutes of content in English with Chinese subtitleswhich you can watch multiple times on your phone or desktop.

If you have a work presentation coming up at the end of Q1, then this course can help you reach your goals.

Investin yourself andenjoyyour future presentations.



  • 发表于:
  • 原文链接http://kuaibao.qq.com/s/20180322G0R6HQ00?refer=cp_1026
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  • 如有侵权,请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除。


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