神外前沿 257期
The perivascular space is a conduit for cerebrospinal fluid flow in humans: A proof-of-principle report
这项研究表明,由于衰老或身体损伤,大脑中这个废物清除网络(称为淋巴系统)的损伤可能与阿尔茨海默病和其他认知障碍的发展有关。这一突破为阿尔茨海默病的潜在防治措施铺平了道路。(参考阅读:专访上海九院章一新:LVA手术治疗阿尔茨海默症单中心临床试验获积极疗效 即将启动全国多中心研究)
据了解,类淋巴通路被定义为血管周围间隙(PVS)的网络,其促进脑脊液(CSF)有组织地分布到脑实质中。但在本次研究之前,尚未在临床中证实存在功能正常的淋巴-脑脊液系统(functioning glymphatic)。
本次研究的5名志愿者中,1名志愿者在手术后 12 小时和 24 小时进行了磁共振 T2/FLAIR 扫描,另外 4 名志愿者在手术后 24 小时和 48 小时进行了磁共振 T2/FLAIR 扫描。
Visualization of perivascular spaces by intrathecal contrast-enhanced brain MRI. Intrathecal contrast-enhanced brain MRI in coronal (A–D) and axial planes (E–H). T2 (A and E), T1 (B and F), and T2/FLAIR (C and G) sequences from timepoint 1, and T2/FLAIR from timepoint 2 (D and H) are shown. Some MV-PVSs decrease in signal intensity while others increase between timepoints 1 and 2. Red arrowheads: MV-PVS on T1 and T2 sequences. White arrow: Postcontrast, nonenhancing MV-PVS. White arrowheads: Enhancing MV-PVSs (D and H).
Contrast-enhanced CSF and parenchymal signal relative to the perivascular space. (A) Example of the contrast-containing subarachnoid mask (Left) derived from enhancing subarachnoid spaces on T2/FLAIR (Right). (B) Scatterplot of normalized PVS intensity by distance between all MV-PVSs and the contrast-containing subarachnoid mask. Shaded region = 95% CI. (C) Cross-section of an enhancing MV-PVS shown on T2 (Left), T2/FLAIR (Center), and T2/FLAIR with regions of interest expanding away from the PVS (Right). Red-PVS; orange-PVS edge; green-2 voxels from PVS edge; blue-4 voxels from PVS edge; white-7 voxels from PVS edge. (D) Boxplot of normalized signal intensity by ROI and MRI timepoint for MV-PVS enhancing at timepoint 1.
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